“NFL Honors” . . .

. . . honors the Ukranian Zionist Nazi Zelensky, who recently said NATO should drop nuclear bombs on Russian civilians, at its “NFL Honors” ceremony on television last night.  They brought in three chubby guys who claim to play football in Ukraine and had a speech by the little Nazi Zelensky himself begging for help to kill more Russians.  The assembled dumb jocks gave him a huge applause.  The NFL has long prostituted itself to the Pentagon, with teams and the league receiving millions in return for all the fascist, warmongering pageantry before, during, and after every game.   Ignore the super bowl and spare yourself all the “woke” commercials, “social justice” (aka commie) slogans on the backs of the football helmets, the fascist pageantry, and the crappy, talentless halftime show.  Not to mention the game that no one but drunken Philadelphians is excited about.


12:53 pm on February 10, 2023