Newt Gingrich Calls Out FOX News’ Hillary Shill and Apologist

I refer of course to Megyn Kelly.  “I’m sick and tired of people like you” lying about Trump, Gingrich said to Megyn tonight after FOX’s house Hillary supporter called Trump a “sexual predator.”  “You are fascinated by sex” while ignoring public policy, said Gingrich.

Newt then pointed out to her the irony that “We are going to send Bill Clinton back to the East Wing [of the White House] because you are concerned about sexual predators?!”  What seemed to cause Kelly to seethe with anger was Gingrich’s questioning the validity of some of her beloved “polls.” He pointed to one example of Gov. Englar of Michigan who the polls said would lose by 14 percentage points when he won the election instead.  She responded with something like “but, but, but, but, but, but, but, the polls! the polls! the polls! the polls! the polls!!!” and then did her nightly song and dance about how much she hates Donald Trump (for having treated her like an equal when he responded in kind to her attack on him during the primaries).

Arrogant, nasty, Hillary-like, shrill, Megyn Kelly then ended the segment by arrogantly and disrespectfully barking at Gingrich that he should go home and “work on your anger issues.”  Her next guest was some washed-up ex-general who informed her audience that “Hillary Clinton will make America safe” as president.

UPDATE:  Here’s a video of the exchange via


8:35 pm on October 25, 2016