More on Murder

Mike, the Owner of both a woman and any new life within her is the Lord Almighty.

I see all you sophisticates rolling your eyes. “We’re trying to settle this issue philosophically. You can’t appeal to a higher power.”

Why not?

So much of what we accept as legitimate results from our time and place in history. Had we been born in England in 1233 AD or Mexico in 1750 or China in 44 BC, our beliefs and ideas would have radically differed from those we now hold. That’s not to say that either principles or truth change—but the methods we use to discover or study those principles and truth do.

Philosophy has vacillated throughout history when it comes to including God in its equations. Currently, the fashion is to deny His existence and influence on human affairs—just as it is also the fashion to extol sodomy or to pretend that men can turn female by pronouncing themselves so. These modern practices fly in the face of millennia of the Western tradition. A few centuries ago, any examination of moral questions that didn’t start with God would have been dismissed out of hand. Then such seriously flawed philosophers as Hegel, Nietzsche and the Existentialists decreed that we may not resort to the Almighty. But obeying their dictates doesn’t necessarily make us or our conclusions correct.

Let’s remember, too, that within living memory, a European country destroyed not only various peoples but itself as well with its philosophical justifications for murder. And its citizens were as ardent and sincere in their excuses as any libertarian defending abortion because only “nascent beings” die; indeed, they, too, insisted that “babies would be deformed or otherwise severely abnormal and mothers want abortions” though their phraseology was more succinct: “life unworthy of life.” Today we unilaterally condemn the Nazis, however independent of God and philosophically “correct” their reasoning may have been.

It’s very possible that in fifty years, those of our grandchildren who survive abortion’s holocaust will condemn us just as mercilessly. Beware the trends of our degenerate culture and period. Pursue eternal truth instead.

Who owns a woman and the life within her? Her Creator. He and He alone may decide when to terminate that pregnancy. Those who usurp that decision commit murder.


8:25 pm on December 27, 2018