More on Cullen Analysis

The YT video was the teaser. On the Patreon channel IAmJohnCullen, there was a deeper dive. The discussion was between Jason Goodman and John Cullen. Main points:

  • Playing the Stewart video at 1/10 speed shows regular audio spikes before, during, and after the audible gun shots analyzed by Martenson.
  • Cullen believes these spikes are evidence for subsonic rounds fired from a silenced gun. He claims the initial subsonic rounds were aimed at the SS snipers on the two roofs positioned behind Trump.
  • He claims the subsonic rounds fired before the audible rifle shots correspond with flashes from a window in the building that Crooks was crawling on the roof with an AR15 rifle.
  • Cullen speculates that Crooks (or whoever was on the roof) was told that the silenced shooters would take out the SS snipers and then Crooks would take out Trump with a head shot from his AR15. This would allow Crooks to believe that he could escape and become a big hero. This plan quickly failed.
  • Crooks was spotted on the roof and the alert was raised. Due to a 10-12 knot wind blowing, the SS snipers were missed. This allowed the southern SS sniper to identify Crooks and kill him with a single shot from a silenced rifle. This happened before Crooks could fire a single shot. Cullen and Goodman claim that the SS sniper shot was caught in the Stewart video and an audible sound corresponded to Crooks’s head exploding from the shot. This was before the audible AR15 rounds were heard.
  • Cullen and Goodman speculate that the shooter in the building realized that the planned sequence then failed. Improvisation then started. The building shooter then shot three AR15 rounds to draw attention to Crooks. Cullen said that Martenson’s analysis on distance was incorrect–the first three AR15 rounds had to come from a shooter in the window, not a shooter on the roof. (Distances are very close, this is debatable IMHO.)
  • Cullen recounts the story of the uniformed officer who reportedly was boosted to the roof to see Crooks. The officer said that Crooks turned his rifle on the officer, and the officer cut his hand on the roof when he let go and fell to the ground. There is also a story of an officer in the building in the bathroom with a cut. Cullen speculates that this officer is the most likely shooter in the building. He suggests the shooter cut his hand on broken glass while picking up brass he shot in the building. Cullen showed video of a SS tactical officer who he thinks is the shooter in the building. (Speculative IMHO.)
  • Cullen has done ballistic analysis on earlier videos of Trump getting wounded. His analysis is that the shot that grazed Trump’s ear most likely came from a shooter in the trees. He has also presented analysis that could suggest a shooter on the water tower, although he has not seen photographic evidence of a shooter on the water tower. So Cullen thinks he has definite evidence for three shooters, possibly four shooters.
  • Cullen said if his theory was correct, then the SS comm channel would be filled with the two SS sniper teams saying they were under fire and trying to find and eliminate the shooters. It is not surprising that the recordings for the day have gone missing.
  • Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley has released information on the shooting. Grassley released a SS document showing six sectors that were in the SS plan for special security/screening/protection. It is striking that the building that Crooks was on, the tree line next to the building, and the nearby water tower were not included in the six sectors. Who approved such an idiotic plan? Cullen and Goodman said the tactical SS officer who approved the plan needs to be interrogated under oath ASAP.

This is very much a work in progress. Cullen and Goodman are looking for additional photos, videos, and recordings that could fill in missing parts of the puzzle. While a narrative is emerging from their analysis, one should regard their findings as preliminary and subject to revision.


12:28 am on July 30, 2024