And an unhealthy agenda at that. From Dr. Mercola:
Without strong scientific evidence to back up recommendations for using cloth masks or surgical masks during flu season or during the COVID-19 outbreak, governmental agencies around the world seem to be using the recommendations to prod the public into compliance with their mostly unsubstantiated and often conflicting demands.20 This may have a far deeper and long-term meaning, as Patrick Wood suggests in this video after years of investigation.
But, in either case, the use of fear and the requirement for mask wearing are the first steps in pushing people into submitting to an agenda. Despite the lack of evidence, the World Health Organization continues to make a case for universal mask wearing.
In a June 5, 2020, report, after listing the health-related reasons for wearing masks and discussing concerns about the practice, they include a list of “potential benefits/advantages” that have little to do with personal health, and more to do with learning submission, likely in preparation for future “recommendations.” These include:
- “Reduced potential stigmatization of individuals wearing masks to prevent infecting others or of people caring for COVID-19 patients in nonclinical settings” — In other words, we should all wear masks to make people caring for COVID-19 patients feel more accepted, as if that’s a significant problem.
- “Making people feel they can play a role in contributing to stopping spread of the virus” — i.e., masks, while providing a false sense of security, make people feel like they’re “doingsomething” to help. Put another way, it makes people feel virtuous and “good.”
- “Reminding people to be compliant with other measures” — In other words, people are expected to go along with what they’re told to do.
- “Potential social and economic benefits” — This is perhaps the most ludicrously strained reason of all. According to the WHO: “Encouraging the public to create their own fabric masks may promote individual enterprise and community integration … The production of non-medical masks may offer a source of income for those able to manufacture masks within their communities. Fabric masks can also be a form of cultural expression, encouraging public acceptance of protection measures in general.”
Manipulation, condescension or both?
1:20 pm on August 29, 2020