Michael Anton, former Trump national security official and essayist, nails mainstream conservatives (once again) in a new interview by Mark Granza, the publisher of IM1776.com.
“The Right is obsessed with self-policing to such a degree that even parking infractions are cancellable by our own side. Nobody is worse on this than the clowns and the sissies at National Review. They think that the most heroic act of the 20th century was Buckley purging the Birchers. They just spend every day searching through what people on the Right write for some little minor thing they can disagree with so they can accuse them of being evil, racists, etc., and oust them from the conservative movement. They do the left’s bidding for the left. It’s such disgraceful treason that these people pat themselves on the back for it and think that it’s high morality….
“When Jonah Goldberg tries to say ‘This is anathema and you should be canceled,’ he’s basically saying to those on the left and in the power centers, ‘Please like me, I’m a good guy!’ Or at least, ‘Eat me last.’ It comes down to this hunger, this deep hunger for mainstream elite respectability.”
5:27 pm on September 22, 2021