LRC Writers Ruined Her Holiday

From a reader who now sees things differently:

I was standing in church yesterday in a Baptist Church in the middle of Louisiana. I was new to the church and it was the first holiday I’ve been in since I began reading Lew Rockwell regularly where they really lavished on the military and country adoration. As they sang the expected songs of America, America and the national anthem, my eyes were roving the words in a manner much less naive than previously. They read like a prayer of worship. Their words were horrifying to me. The praise lavished on this hedonistic, murdering country in the house of my God had me awestruck. I had to control myself to keep my brow from furrowing and my eyes from glaring at everyone around me in outrage. They say ignorance is bliss. But it’s gone now. So thank you and all the rest of the writers at LewRockwell for ruining a perfectly pleasant holiday.

I know I speak for other LRC writers when I say that we are glad to have helped.


12:04 pm on July 7, 2014