A lovely letter from a former student of mine at Holy Cross

This lovely letter was in response to my open letter to the president of my present university, Loyola New Orleans

Hi Walter –
Long time no talk. Just a note that the sentiment below that you put into practice in an environmental economics course (without at the time attributing to Mill) has stuck with me in my life as a learner. I have passed this on to my children and hope they don’t grow frustrated with a world where many do not challenge themselves to truly examine all viewpoints… it is certainly easier to remain ignorant and to bully those with a contrarian view. Even if it was just this one piece of knowledge that Mill put forth, that is a pretty darn good way to explore the world. Many thanks for sharing and for the work you do spreading such wonderful ideas.

Warm regards,

(HC ’98)


8:43 pm on January 29, 2016