Across the country, tyrants are promising to rescind their “mandates” that serfs muzzle themselves by a certain date, usually a month or so in the future. TimmyTaes summarized one such instance announced on his local news:
The lead story was how in three weeks, on June 15th, all mask mandates will be lifted by Governor Newsom. “We will then find out what is allowed and what is not allowed.” That’s a real quote from the TV anchor. Made me sick.
Yep. Hard to watch even a lapdog kiss Nuisance’s butt.
At any rate, shouldn’t these deadlines alone convince the Masked Morons that the entire COVIDCon is a hoax? If the plandemic is not only real but lethal, if masks are truly saving lives, how can any politician predict when “safety” will return? How can he assure his craven dependents, “You can remove your mask on an arbitrary date?” What if there’s a surge in “infections”? What about new variants?
At least the Morons, unlike Our Rulers, are internally consistent when they lodge these same protests. Now if only they’ll take the leap to realize how thoroughly the government and its propagandists have gulled them.
7:10 am on May 22, 2021