I just watched “Leave The World Behind.” Can I have the 2 hours of my life back? While I agree there is merit in being “anti-fragile” when it comes to internet / network dependent systems, this movie is literally such a fear mongering propaganda movie, I have no idea where to start.
It assumes that all systems attached to the internet are vulnerable to hacking, or that the infrastructure is vulnerable to hacking. Except that the internet itself was a DARPA project created to survive nuclear war, so it was created with redundancy in mind. Yes, things have changed in 70 years and the reality is that the root DNS name servers are probably the most likely vector in which this could happen. They are what translate internet URLs into IP addresses and propagate those names, because who can memorize numbers of all the website IP addresses we use? There are only 13 root DNS IP addresses for the entire internet, but there are over 1,300 instances of those servers behind those IPs world-wide. Disrupt those 13 IPs and domain name resolution ceases to exist for the whole world.
But notice I said “for the whole world.” So, you manage to pull that off, you also destroy your own ability to use the internet as well. Are you going to cut off your nose to spite your face?
The movie talks down to whites with the usual racist crap. I’m sorry, at least 99% of caucasians in the USA could not give a hoot about what color people are. Can we make it to 100%? My guess is no. However, lest we forget that it was white Europeans, namely the Queen of the English Empire, that unilaterally made slavery illegal for all its subjects in 1807, and while it took about another 60-ish years for the USA to follow suit, I think it’s safe to say that 164 years have passed and none of us have immediate family that owned slaves. This coming from the first black President of the United States and his first lady — let that irony sink in. We’re so racist here, you were elected TWICE! I’m really quite done with this DEI, 1619 Project absurdity.
Lastly, the movie shills, in a limited hangout kind of way, for the WEF and Davos, the Council on Foreign Relations, and all the other councils and forums that come together to align policies for the rich and powerful by saying that there isn’t an elite cabal that controls the world. The best they can do is get advanced notice. That may technically be true, but a whole lot of those elites spend a whole lot of time, none-the-less, putting forth policies in place so they do circumvent the will of the people and their elected representatives. And the Obamas are most certainly part of that elite group — so much so, they’re making movies now espousing their political viewpoints.
4:19 pm on January 7, 2024