Larry Beane Is An Awful Person

Ordinarily, I keep my correspondents anonymous. This is an exception to that general rule.

Letter 1

On Jul 17, 2019, at 12:36 PM, Walter Block <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Lew:

I wish to register a complaint with you about Larry Beane.

Until his recent lrc essay on her,

Beane II, Larry L. 2019. “Supreme Court Justice Lauds Confederate Cabinet Officer.” July 16;

I was a BIG FAN of Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s. In addition to being a great libertarian, she and I went to the same high school, at different years (along with Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders).

Now, thanks to that scurrilous essay of Larry’s, I no longer revere her. Please admonish Larry for this execrable article of his.

Best regards,


Letter 2

From: Lew Rockwell [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 10:40 AM

To: Walter Block

Subject: Re: complaint


Sent from my iPad

Letter 3

Dear Larry:

I interpret Lew’s “Ha” as his laughing at you for your horrid op ed:

Supreme Court Justice Lauds Confederate Cabinet Officer

In future, try to be more positive about staunch libertarians such as Ruthie.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg is a woman. Your criticism of her reveals you to be a sexist.  Anyone who accuses any woman of anything is a sexist. She is Jewish; therefore you, in criticizing her, however “innocently,” are an anti-Semite. Anyone who accuses any Jew of anything is an anti-Semite. She hails from Brooklyn. Thus, you are anti-Brooklyn; a geographist!  Anyone who accuses anyone from Brooklyn of anything is an anti Brooklynist. Ginsberg is also a judge. On this ground I condemn you as Anti judicial. Anyone who accuses any judge of anything opposes justice. Justice Ginsberg is also elderly, from which we can deduce that you are an ageist. Anyone who accuses any older person (such as me, so watch out!) of anything is anti the elderly.  She is also short. Guess what! Yes, you are a tallist. I just created that one; I’m sure it will be taken up and amplified by the new group I am starting, Short People of America. I’m also short (5’6”). We short people are sick and tired of you tall people criticizing us! We are going to get “sizism” listed as yet another feature against which no one should be allowed to discriminate. If a tall person demands a cake with a figurine “of size” on the top of it, he should be condemned. On the other hand, if a short person demands a cake with a figurine of small stature on the top of it, he should be applauded. We’re gonna have parades, limited to short people only, where we can demonstrate our Pride in smallness!


6:24 am on July 19, 2019