Back in the 1800’s Dr. Robert Koch proposed 4 postulates – Absolute Rules – whereby medical researchers could establish what infectious agent may have caused a disease.
Notice the singular of the term “infectious agent.”
Instead of looking for the potentially contributing causes (note the plural, causes) how an illness may be built in stages in the body, the prevailing assumption – then as now in Western Medicine – was a singular source, a singular Germ or Virus that was believed to be THE cause of an illness.
Koch, who believed in this Single Cause Paradigm, provided what he thought were a reasonable set of criteria whereby “A” could be proved to cause “B.”
Here’s the funny thing:
Even if you accept the Single Cause Paradigm, Koch’s Postulates have NEVER been able to show that viruses exist, cause disease or transmit a disease.
As Dr. Sam Bailey has stated, “Koch’s Postulates, which were one of the foundational pillars of Germ Theory promoters, became a thorn in their side.”
Attempts to make these postulates fit the Germ/Virus/Single Cause Paradigm have been made many times since the 1800’s resulting in a number of logical fallacies being used, the most easy to see is their circular reasoning, also called the, Begging The Question Fallacy.
Below are resources to help you understand these commonly discussed Koch’s Postulates and why they so clearly demonstrate the Fraud of Virology and why you need to look beyond single causes and take into account the condition of the whole person’s terrain in order to discover what makes a person ill.
To educate yourself further, I recommend you start with this video, HERE:
Then, in order to deepen your self education, I recommend the following articles by Mike Stone of :
5:01 pm on June 28, 2023