
“This effortlessly cool crime caper, directed by Georges Franju, is a marvel of dexterous plotting and visual invention. Conceived as an homage to Louis Feuillade’s 1916 cult silent serial of the same name, Judex kicks off with the mysterious kidnapping of a corrupt banker by a shadowy crime fighter (American magician Channing Pollock) and spins out into a thrillingly complex, labyrinthine web of unpredictable deceptions.

“Combining stylish sixties modernism with silent-cinema touches and even a few unexpected sci-fi accents, Judex is a delightful bit of pulp fiction and a testament to the art of illusion.”

This unforgettable cinematic classic is an absolute mindblower, beautifully stylish and impeccably cast, with lavish indoor sets and spectacular outdoor scenery location shots.


10:48 am on January 4, 2025