Jabbed Vs. Unjabbed

The corporate media and politicians strive to convince us that vast majorities of Americans have succumbed to the Jab.

But as with all else in COVIDCon, that’s a huge lie. “As of 6 a.m. EDT Sept. 7, a total of 176,659,496 Americans had been fully vaccinated [sic], or 53.2 percent of the country’s population, according to the CDC’s data.” Barely more than half! And that after relentless propaganda, outsized bribes, and coercion from employers! Monnie Matthews, who forwarded this article, exults, “This is good news. A year and a half of fear-mongering has resulted in a nearly even split between jabbed and unjabbed. I assume that everyone who wanted the shot has gotten it by now, and that nearly all who haven’t been jabbed yet are determined to avoid it. That indicates that many millions of Americans have done some research!”

Curious about how many of the Walking Dead infest your region? The article also breaks out each state’s rate of Jabbing; Mr. Matthews again cheers with his analysis: “Exactly half of the 50 states are under the 50% jabbed rate.”

You are not alone as you resist this evil! Don’t let the sociopaths convince you otherwise.


5:33 pm on September 8, 2021