Intellectual Ammunition in the Culture War

The attentive daily observer of the cultural trainwreck passing for the remnant of Western civilization must turn to a multiplicity of transpartisan, independent minded sources for insightful commentary and analysis — Lew Rockwell, Robert Barnes, David Freiheit, Christopher F. Rufo, Tulsi Gabbard, James Lindsay, Heather Mac Donald, Gad Saad, Tom Woods, Thomas Sowell, Jordan Peterson, Jeff Deist, Michael Rectenwald, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Glenn Loury, Candice Owens, Ye West, The Duran, Thaddeus Russell, Shelby Steele, Victor Davis Hanson, Jason Whitlock, Naomi Wolf and Glenn Greenwald — are leading the heroic battle against identity politics and racial biological collectivism of conformist cancel culture by the totalitarian leftwing destroyers of Western civilization and its basis in Judeo-Christian and Enlightenment principles — the declared enemies of freedom of speech, the rule of law, the integrity of biological science, the stability of two person nuclear families, personal sovereignty and self-defense, individual human rights and civil liberties, and the capitalist free market economy not deformed by crony corporatism, regulatory capture by the administrative state, the military industrial complex and its sinister adjuncts, and other elite special interests of the credentialed class and their fascist mouthpieces in the regime media and court academia.


2:48 pm on October 11, 2022