To understand why the GOP establishment hates Donald Trump I would recommend all LRC readers examine the works of Walter Karp. He was one of America’s most astute and brilliant essayists. Walter Karp was a genuine Jeffersonian who championed the core values of our Republic against those who would replace it with an empire and an elite oligarchy. Here is a link with excerpts from his 1973 classic, Indispensable Enemies: The Politics of Misrule in America. In these excerpts Karp discusses the foundations of party power, the system of collusion, and party regulars and insurgents.
The GOP elite and their corporatist backers (like their mirror counterparts at the DNC) hate insurgents or outsiders with “loose cannon” supporters they cannot control. (This was precisely why they hated, feared and loathed Ron Paul and his dedicated legions of supporters.)
The biggest myth in politics is that political parties are in business to win elections. These criminal cartels are in business to maintain their networks of crony corruption, patronage, and payoff which are their reasons for being. The National Security State, driven by the imperial presidency, an acquiescent congress and a complacent federal judiciary, has destroyed the American Republic. Their parasitic welfare-warfare state, enabled by the Fed, fosters and promotes the profligacy and dependency which is at the root of this destructive process.
One of the great lies about American politics is that Republicans genuinely subscribe to a set of core convictions that make Republicans different from Democrats.
Day by day, their meaningless stands on diversionary issues such as immigration, same-sex marriage, or the “war on drugs” have merged until little distinction remains. They are now but factions in the one true political party in America — the Incumbent Party. Despite all posturing and pretense, their only real dispute concerns whose clients will get the loot. . . and whose the bill.
Trump, in his arrogantly and hubristic fashion, has revealed this truth. And they hate him for it.
Capitol Hill has become one vast congressional clip-joint, where members “service” their constituents the way a second-story man “services” a luxury condo. This lies at the root of every economic ill plaguing the country — Wall Street bailouts, massive foreign and domestic debt, Pentagon plunder — the list could go on and on.
Because of this thievery, your income is 60 percent of what it should be. The other 40 percent is forcibly taken by politicians and given to tax-consuming special interests. The parasitical profiteers return some of the ill-gotten gains to their benefactors in the form of campaign contributions, gifts or fees.
Here is how the ruse works in detail: Politicians allocate (steal) taxpayer funds for programs under the guise of alleviating the plight of the poor, the homeless, the sick, the elderly and the unemployed, and serving the “public interest” or “national security.” Yet it is not the mother’s milk of human kindness and compassion which lubricates the intricate gears of political machinery. It is the snake oil of expediency.
The bureaucrats who administer this flim-flam provide taxpayer funds to political advocacy groups through massive grants and contracts, ostensibly intended to fulfill program objectives. However, much of the money received by the special interests is used to lobby, campaign and organize support for the mandarins to manage, additional funding for existing programs, and the re-election of their shills who favor the appropriations which play politics with human misery.
Farcical public hearings are staged to persuade the complacent and compliant news media that greater spending is essential to deal with these pressing problems. Incumbents then appropriate more funds for existing malevolence and initiate new mischief through legislative legerdemain.
In turn, they mass their campaign contributions from clients and franking privileges for their re-election efforts. The bureaucracy awards more pilfered taxpayers’ funds to the special interests, and the process begins all over again.
The losers are the hapless taxpayers who pay for this sophisticated protection racket and the truly unfortunate members of society who receive only a fraction of the promised benefits of the programs set up in their names.
The winners are those tax-consuming bunko artists and wirepullers who gorge themselves at the public trough. The looted tax monies are siphoned off by special interests to promote their schemes, by public employees who want to finance the expansion of their petty bureaucratic empires, and by grasping politicians who want hard cash for re-election kitties and for conversion to their own personal use
6:06 pm on August 13, 2015