An Important Note from a U.S. Army Intelligence Officer

From a U.S. Army Intelligence Officer:

I just want you to know that your writings at and your book Christianity and War have convinced me to resign my commission and get out of the US Army. I am filing for Conscientious Objector status this Monday in fact, December 4th 2017. I would be honored if you added my name (Captain Matthew Glenn Auchtung, US Army Intelligence Officer) to the list of those willing to stand for the Prince of Peace and who no longer support the death and destruction that invariably follows the military profession.

He also added later:

Having grown up in the Deep South, and in the Republican/Baptist tradition taught to me by my parents and friends, I’ve lauded the military and the Messiah for almost 2 decades. Sometimes in the same breath, during prayers and during church memorial services. You’ve been one of the biggest two influences that has shown me how abominable this all is in the eyes of God. Only Leo Tolstoy’s works have come close as being as impactful. I will gladly, and in any way possible, support your efforts in ending Christian participation in the military.

The list he is referring to is at the end of this letter I wrote to a Christian young man regarding joining the military.

I could never have reached this man, and many others like him, without LRC. Please consider making an end-of-the-year donation.


4:02 pm on December 1, 2017