“I Was An Hungred, And Ye Gave Me No Meat”

Patriots launched a “No Vaccine Canteen” after the Spokane, Washington, Christmas Bureau food assistance program opted to only feed those with a vaccine card or negative COVID test result.

Yay for the big-hearted Patriots—especially for the black eye they dealt Parson Goat. Because, you see, “a Catholic church was involved in turning away the hungry. The Christmas Bureau is an annual holiday assistance program coordinated by Catholic Charities Eastern Washington, Volunteers of America, and the Spokesman-Review.”

Dan Bell, the gentleman who organized the “No Vaccine Canteen,” explained, “As a Christian, if you’re following the teachings of Jesus, you feed the hungry, right? You feed all hungry. So, we wanted to make sure nobody went without a good hot meal on Christmas.”

John, forwarder of this article, summarized Mr. Bell’s comments as, “Doing the jobs ‘Christians’ won’t.”

Indeed. I remind all the Goats out there of Matthew 25:31-46 and of the judgement awaiting hypocrites and heretics.


12:42 pm on December 28, 2021