Hilarious Washington [Com]Post Hatchet Job

Several months ago the Washington Post, the lead singers in the Clinton Campaign Chorus, announced that it was assigning 26 “reporters” to dig dirt and do hatchet jobs on Donald Trump. One of the latest is a real knee slapper.  A friend sent me an article from the Post denouncing Trump’s populist support,which of course is the whole purpose of the Washington Post — to defend the establishment and denounce the populace.  The funny part is that they blame Trump’s popularity on the legacy of Murray Rothbard, “Mr. Libertarian”!  And of course the ignorant and uninformed author, one Mathew Sheffield, tries to portray libertarian “populists” as racists — and worse.  Yours truly is even mentioned.  He says that when the Mises Institute was founded (Rothbard being a co-founder) it “almost immediately” began criticizing Abe Lincoln.  Horrors!  Where did they hide the KKK robes?!  (Do you agree with Lincoln’s attorney general, Robert Bates, that his suspension of Habeas Corpus was unconstitutional? If so, then you are obviously a racist  slavery defender who should be executed in public).

The Mises Institute was founded in 1982.  “Proof” of this “immediate” criticism of Lincoln, which is assumed to be racist per se by Sheffield, is a link to my 2007 book, Lincoln Unmasked.  To the Washington Post, a quarter of a century is “almost immediate.”  And besides, the book was published by Random House, not the Mises Institute.  Ah, professional journalism at its best.  What a crackerjack staff of fact checkers they have at the Washington Post.  (Oh, wait a minute — did I say “crackerjack”?  I meant “crackpot” or even better, “on crack.”).


10:39 am on September 4, 2016