Happy New Year! A Collection of Health Resources You’ll Want to Keep & Share

We’re kicking off 2024 with a marvelous collection of educational resources assembled by my friend, Mike Stone of ViroLIEgy.com which are a treasure trove you can use to Debunk Fraud, Logical Fallacies and – most of all – Fear.  Go HERE  for a description of each one. Enjoy and please share.

Here are a few thoughts I’ve had as I review what I’ve shared with you this past year and what I’m researching to share in the coming months.

It’s Hard To Change Our Thinking – But Not Impossible.

The challenges to accept that we don’t catch diseases – but rather build them in stages over time – are many.

First, we have to learn that “germs” don’t cause disease – and – “viruses” have never been proven to exist.

This is a gigantic paradigm shift – and yet – a growing number of people who’re open minded enough to look at it have come to learn this is true.

These are Gigantic Paradigm Shifts with Gigantic Implications.

Second, this opens the door to an even bigger paradigm shift in understanding that Infectious Pathogens do not exist.

How can this be?

If we simply look we learn that Infectiousness is a Myth that was disproven decades ago – But it sure sells and Big Pharma cannot exist without it.


Then starts the Real Journey…

…Understanding HOW and WHY Dis-Ease Builds in the body…

…Which then erupts with VERY REAL SYMPTOMS.

This shift is a process of Discovery that takes time for most people – IF they are open to it at all. A great place to start is HERE.

What Comes Next?

There’s a Blessing that occurs when one finally absorbs these Paradigms – a Peacefulness of Understanding that there’s Sooo Much we don’t have to fear.

Surely, this does not allow us to be complacent or irresponsible.

Rather we can start to focus on what we must avoid and on what we must do.

This is the Major Blessing & Good News worth sharing this 1st Day of 2024.

Please start your journey HERE if you’re just getting started and please read the many other postings I’ve shared HERE to learn about the deeper layers.

Thank you for reading and sharing my posts & Have a Happy and Healthy New Year!


4:44 pm on January 1, 2024