We’ve all heard that sage advice about not stealing because “the government hates competition.” Indeed it does, especially when you excel at work it claims to do but can’t.
Meet Christopher Hendon, a 26-year-old Samaritan who loves his neighbors as himself in Akron, Ohio. Mr. Hendon says he “once was a troubled teen and my life has been forever changed by officers from APD (Akron Police Department) … I know that I and a few others can do the same for another child.” Hey, we all have feet of clay, and Mr. Hendon’s are the warm fuzzies he cherishes for uniformed bullies. Though I suspect his current problems will educate him mightily on that.
At any rate, our hero on his own initiative, with his own money and time, started a program he named “Scared Straight” to rescue troubled kids. He advertised his intentions on Facebook with utter honesty, inviting parents of fractious children to call him if they needed help. He described his scary methods precisely: resembling a cop in dress and intonation, he actually handcuffs the pint-sized criminals and hauls them down to the local jail. He sternly lectures them on their responsibilities to themselves and their families before driving them back home.
Parents applaud him because he does their kids far more good than any Children’s Services ever has. Plus, families know he’ll bring their children back to them rather than shuffling them off to foster care.
Which explains why the State’s out to get him. The cops Mr. Hendon so idolizes snitched on him for bringing handcuffed gremlins into their holy precincts. And now the admirable Mr. Hendon’s “facing 60 serious criminal charges for his Scared Straight tactics. The charges include kidnapping, impersonating a police officer [HA! Dream on, Thugs. This guy runs rings around you], child endangering and assault.”
Thanks to the State, which incarcerates black men disproportionately and decimates whole neighborhoods via welfare, most black kids are growing up without fathers. Then the same State bores them crazy in its indoctrination centers–sorry, schools. Along comes Mr. Hendon to reverse some of this damage. And wham, Leviathan swoops down for vengeance on the serf who dared to help government’s littlest victims.
8:41 pm on August 28, 2017