Forty-Five Years of White Supremacy at the Southern Poverty Law Center

Where the highly-paid executive staff has been all white for all 45 years of its existence.  Apparently, no black leftists need apply for one of these plumb jobs at the Left’s preeminent hate group.

UPDATE:  Mark S. writes that the median family income in Montgomery, Alabama (where the SPLC is located) is about $44,500, so “these cats are living high on the hog.”  It was also recently reported in The Weekly Standard that, according to their 2015 IRS 990 form, the SPLC’s total salary bill was around $20 million, but they only spent a measly $60,000 (in a year) or so on “law.”  So these turkeys hate the South, do nothing about poverty, and rarely practice law.


10:05 pm on September 6, 2017