Fording An Ocean of Evil

When an engineer at Ford requested a religious exemption to Brandon’s illegal mandate on Jabs, the company replied that they’d respond to him “on or before Dec 8.” Meanwhile, they circulated this patronizing and provoking propaganda:


Not even a “Dear”?

We want to begin by thanking you for your ongoing commitment to our COVID-19 health and safety measures including the recent vaccine reporting requirement, as we navigate these unprecedented times of a global pandemic.

Yo, PR flacks: please, so that you don’t continue to look like utter morons, look up “unprecedented.” One thing the plandemic is not is “unprecedented.” Numerous tyrants—Hitler, Stalin, and Kruschev all spring to mind, not to mention Alexander the Great, the Roman emperors, etc.—have tried to subjugate the world before. Indeed, we could plausibly argue for fedgov’s pursuit of that same prize.

But I digress:

We were so encouraged by your efforts where nearly 100% of our U.S. salaried team reported their vaccination status, and more than 84% of you are already fully vaccinated.

Yeah, the chirpy tone while speaking of certain, impending deaths and disabilities nauseated me, too.

While we all hoped conditions surrounding the virus would be different by now,

“The virus”? I don’t think so. “Politics” is the word you’re hunting, PR Flack.

we continue to prioritize and support actions to protect the health and wellbeing [sic] of you, your families, and the communities in which we do business.

Oh, the unspeakable arrogance!

The science and data tell us the vaccines offer critical protection against COVID-19 and its variants

Mr. Engineer complains, “Ford has never bothered to share ‘The Science and data’ with employees, only that we must comply with it.” Which immediately betrays it as brainwashing.

and our goal continues to be for all team members who can, to be vaccinated.

Since when is the “team’s” medical history any of your concern? They exchange their labor for your money: that is and should be the extent of your relationship. “The health and well-being of you, your families, and the communities in which we do business” ought never enter into it.

No wonder you manufacture a lousy car.

While the progress above brings us one step closer to a healthier community inside and outside of Ford,


we must continue to do everything we can to protect each other.

Baloney. I protect me; you protect you. Mind your own beeswax.

To do this, we are announcing these updates to our health and safety protocols:

  • Effective immediately, most U.S. salaried employees will be required to be fully vaccinated by Dec. 8, 2021. You are considered fully vaccinated if you have received both doses of a two-dose vaccine or a single dose of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and 14 days have passed since completion of vaccination. This approach builds on our already established vaccine requirements put in place earlier this year requiring employees traveling internationally or those on international assignment, as well as Corporate Officers to be fully vaccinated. This policy will also ensure employees covered under the recently announced federal contractor guidelines meet the Executive Order requirements to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 since Ford is a federal contractor.

Now that requirement is unprecedented, I daresay.

  • We recognize there are certain circumstances that prevent employees from being vaccinated and have established an accommodation process to support those who have religious or medical needs. More information can be found here.
  • We will continue to take a thoughtful and considerate approach when assessing the small percentage of our salaried workforce who are impacted by this policy and are not yet vaccinated. Those team members will receive additional information this week. …

Anyone else smell that faint stench from the re-education camps?

…We thank you for continuing to care for each other and for taking the important steps needed to keep our workforce safe.

Ford’s imbeciles are so oblivious to their own lunacy that two of them actually signed this folderol. One of them is a “Chief People and Employee Experiences Officer”—roll that one around your mouth a few times and then tell me why any sane person would agree to bear such a title. The other,  a “Corporate Medical Director,” is Dr. Francesca Litow. And who, you may ask, is Dr. L? Our engineer kindly elucidated her questionable past: “…she graduated from, and worked for Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.  You know, the ones that sponsored Event 201. You just can’t make this stuff up.  The level and breadth of the evil is breathtaking.”

Adding insult to injury, Mr. Engineer has “been trained in data analysis, so it’s particularly frustrating … [when] people can’t see that the COVID data is deeply flawed and that the risk of death is vastly overstated by the lying media. Meanwhile the Vax data is vastly understated and under-reported.”

Yep. But since all of this is calculated to control us, such details don’t matter, do they?


6:04 pm on November 8, 2021