Hillary was “extremely careless,” but no charges are recommended by the FBI.
**Anyone** else with security clearances who had been so “careless” would have been in the basement of Colorado’s Maximum Security Prison (with the Unabomber and Hannsen) years ago.
When FBI Director Comey saw Bill and Loretta meet on the tarmac, with his FBI agents threatening reporters, we knew where this was going to end up.
But look at the bright side: Clinton’s enemies have decidedly brief life expectancies. Mr. Comey is now free to walk the land without a permanent security detail for the rest of his life to protect him from the forces of the Dark Side.
He is free at last.
Comey’s FBI aides can now be assured of their career – for what it’s worth – in “law enforcement,” without the most intimate details of their private lives appearing somehow on Gawker, and their children shadowed on their way to school.
And criminals government-wide can breathe a sigh of relief, under the (false) assumption that they, too, will be treated gently.
Welcome to the Third World.
10:58 am on July 5, 2016