In order to understand the intricate geopolitical and financial dynamic of world history of the past century (particularly as it affects the United States today), familiarity with the background materials below on Establishment Studies or “power elite analysis” is essential.
Parapolitics and Deep State Resources, by Charles A. Burris
Libertarian Class Analysis: An Historical Survey, by Charles A. Burris
Technocracy, by Charles A. Burris
Welcome to the Digital Gulag of Algorithmic Repression, by Charles A. Burris
“The Rockefeller World: Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission,” by Andrew Gavin Marshall
Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy, by Murray N. Rothbard
The Rockefeller World Empire — Amazon book list
The concept of the Establishment was first used in England referring to the established (or official) state church, the Anglican Church or Church of England, created by the usurper and schismatic Henry Tudor during the Protestant Reformation.
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Nineteenth-century writer William Cobbett later expanded the concept to include those networks of financial institutions related to the Bank of England, elite public schools and clubs, and publishing entities (such as “the bloody old Times”) the ruling aristocracy used to train and sustain its oligarchic bureaucracy who manned the British empire. Cobbett labeled this power elite as “the Thing.”
As Leonard and Mark Silk observed in their masterful book, The American Establishment, twentieth century British historian A. J. P. Taylor later adapted Cobbett’s “the Thing” into “the Establishment” in a 1953 article in The New Statesman, followed by journalist Henry Fairlie’s usage of the term in The Spectator in 1955.
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The broad concept was soon adopted by wide-ranging American analysts of the powers-that-be, such as Richard H. Rovere, C. Wright Mills, Dan Smoot, Phyllis Schlafly, Carroll Quigley, John Kenneth Galbraith, and G. William Domhoff.
These disparate authors recognized that while the First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits an establishment of religion, our nation does indeed have, like its British cousins across the pond, an Establishment, complete with its own theological canon and doxology of statecraft and spy craft. Its “Vatican” is the Council on Foreign Relations. Its primary source of treasure and alms has been the Morgan and Rockefeller financial empires, which created the Fed, the great enabler of the Welfare-Warfare State. Many of its elite seminarians have studied at Ivy League institutions such as Harvard, Princeton, or Columbia; some in particular, at Yale where they were initiated into Skull and Bones.
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The immediate post-World War II period of history, tracing the Establishment’s bipartisan “foreign policy consensus” on the Cold War, is the crucial gestation period, a time implementing “the American Century” of Henry Luce, of the Truman administration’s creation of the National Security State and its doctrine of Containment as a public rationale for global intervention and the military-industrial complex (and George F. Kennan’s, Robert A. Lovett’s, and the Dulles Brothers’ clandestine policy of Rollback or Liberation through covert operations of the OPC and CIA).
But the Establishment’s rules and credo were sketched on papyrus long before 1947. They were put forth by visionary prophets of pelf, plunder and empire fifty years earlier, during the Spanish-American War and the Philippine Insurrection.
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A central figure was the sinister Elihu Root, later founding chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, who like his fellow interventionists and war criminals Theodore Roosevelt and Barack Obama, was recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the archetype of the Establishment’s much-abused “Wise Man” category, the mainstream media’s designation of select servitors of power stretching from Root to persons such as John J. McCloy to Richard Holbrooke – Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Bilderberg group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, former managing director of Lehman Brothers, and board director of AIG to July 2008 (just before the bailouts).
Before the acclaimed “Wise Men” of the Truman regime came the “Four Evangelists” of an earlier era. Led by Elihu Root, his protégé “Colonel” Henry L. Stimpson, along with “Colonel” Edward M. House and Raymond B. Fosdick, these little-known four were the real architects of the American Establishment and its interventionist gospel of the Welfare-Warfare State. It is they who wrote its rules and drafted its credo which has transformed the American republic into a squalid and overstretched empire.
We must continue our role as non-interventionist heretics to the CFR’s church, working for its disestablishment and demise. And while the usurper Biden was upheld by the craven courts and subterfuge in the Electoral College, his illegitimate reign will be subject to daily ongoing intense scrutiny and derision by tens of millions.
What we have been seeing in 2020-2021 played out on the streets of America, particularly in large Blue State metropolitan areas and dense urban cities is classic planned chaos and the “Strategy of Tension.” Unable to dislodge Donald Trump by the Russiagate hoax or the malicious soft coup impeachment process, his sworn enemies, using COVID-19 as their pretext, have turned to the destruction of the economy by repressive lockdowns, creating mass unemployment and annihilation of small businesses, thus fracturing civil society. The Democrats, elements of the deep state, Big Tech, and their complacent, compliant regime media pawns, have turned to an age-old psy/war strategy to be wielded as an ax against the president, insidiously using the weaponized corpse of the slain George Floyd as the new rationale for these riots and insurrections. These dark seditious forces then engaged in the largest, most treasonous act in American history, by attempting to subvert the integrity of the 2020 presidential election by subterfuge, fraud, and duplicity, by manufacturing widespread disruptive anomalies and naked corruption.
Historically there has been a symbiotic correlation relationship between agent provocateur groups, infiltration by police informers, and the counter-terrorism forces of the deep state. The repressive security state has molded and used such witting (or unwitting) terrorist pawns or drones in covert activities to create a “strategy of tension” to instill fear and consolidate repressive power and control which would enhance strident calls for more intense police repression and clandestine surveillance of its subject general population. With countless decades of real-world experience and clinical research, masters of psychological warfare and mind control, expert manipulators and programmers of cult-like behavior, recruit those alienated arrested development post-adolescents and anti-social disillusioned vicarious thrill seekers who fit a susceptible psychological profile matrix and who relish vandalism, violence and destruction as a means of striking out at a world beyond the control of their misshapened lives. An ideological construct of direct action “anarchism” or “propaganda by the deed” is put forth as a purported justification for their aberrant thug-like terrorist behavior.
The willfully ignorant nihilistic mobs and savage looters are simply acting as pawns, the unwitting tools of the deep state “strategy of tension” 2020 in creating the pretext for the elite’s technocratic New World Order of digital, Social Credit Scoring economy and centralized political total control in a totalitarian corporatist entity, with all pervasive mass surveillance by facial recognition databases and coercive regimentation. These actions are running parallel with the transition to a cashless society with all financial transactions via a credit/debit card or “electronic purse” monitored through biometric identification using such technologies as fingerprints, hand geometry and retina scanning. This is the Great Reset.
In this time of unprecedented planned chaos, each of us must steel ourselves to understand, discuss and analyze the crucial global dimensions of what is scheduled to take place and how it plays into the technocrats’ plan to control the world’s resources and implement genocidal eugenics-based austerity.
8:32 pm on December 8, 2020