I had never heard of Charles Barkley—enormous blessings accrue to those of us lacking TVs and even a smidgen of interest in sports—until Mike sent me an article about him:
Basketball Hall of Famer and Alabama native Charles Barkley will headline a COVID vaccine rally at Legion Field later this month. …
“Next Saturday at Legion Field, I can’t believe I’m going back to Legion Field,” said Barkley … “We’ve got food trucks too … We’ve got to feed people to get them to take the vaccine. What the hell’s going on? … And you’ve got these idiots out here who don’t want to take the vaccine and who don’t want to wear a mask, and they’re out here getting people sick and killing people all over the country, and some of these countries won’t let you go there. …I’m just getting screwed by dummies who won’t get the vaccine and won’t wear their masks so we can get this thing under control and get back to normal. …”
Where to begin in unpacking this imbecility? Let’s start with Mike’s comment on the story: “I should’ve known better than to trust my own instincts and instead turn for guidance to a pompous loudmouth jerk whose claim to fame is spitting on a fan.”
“Spitting on a fan.” Hmmm. I hope it was an electric one that flung Jerk’s saliva back at him, but I doubt it.
Second, explain to me the phenomenon whereby one “turns for guidance” to a certifiable lunatic such as Jerk. I presume I was enthralled with a “celebrity” once or twice as a child, but gracious, I was 8 years old. How is it any reasonable adult would adulate these nincompoops and egotists—especially when it comes to something as paramount as health? Yo, Jerk: you hold a medical degree from which university and have practiced where for how many years?
Finally, can we dispense with the nonsense that “getting the vaccine and wearing masks” will somehow “get this thing under control and get back to normal”? The “public-health” apparatus has spent the last 18 months demonstrating its treachery—demonstrating it so amply that even an idiot like Jerk should grasp it by now. “Take the Jab, and you can throw away your masks,” those charlatans promised. And behold: the Jabbed are still masked.
Nor are colds and flu repackaged as COVID keeping us from “getting back to normal.” Blame that instead on our rulers, our cowardice and refusal to defend freedom, and our worship of riffraff like Jerk.
10:11 am on August 20, 2021