Don’t Take the Bird Flu Jabs

From Aaron Siri:

FDA has licensed three bird flu (H5N1) vaccines:

  1. Sanofi (National Stockpile). Licensed for adults based on trial in which only 103 adults vaccinated and 48 received placebo; worse, there were four serious adverse events in the vaccine group.
  2. ID Biomedical. In the adult trial, the vaccine group had four times the rate of new immune mediated diseases. (The trial for children, 6 months to 17 years, had only 838 children and hence was underpowered.)
  3. Seqirus. In the adult trial, 0.5% of the vaccinated group died but only 0.1% of the placebo group died. (The trial for children, 6 months to 17 years, had only 329 children and hence was underpowered.)

If you plan to get pricked, be informed.



ID Biomedical:



12:08 pm on July 4, 2024