“I don’t know of any government leaders that are killers.”

Bill O’Reilly: “I don’t know of any government leaders that are killers.”

Bill O’Reilly was either lying, as a disingenuous trick of arguing; or else he believes what he said, which means he’s gullible and ignorant.

According to this study, “The overall conclusion reached is that the United States most likely has been responsible since WWII for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the world.”

There is not a U.S. administration since WWII that has not had killers at its helm. This is who they are. This is what they do. Killing is their stock in trade. Trump has already killed. They are all vitally interested in maintaining and using their powers and forces to kill. They are all vitally interested in having Americans support them in their killing.

Bill O’Reilly is reputed to have a very high IQ and so are many others who are in the government and in the media and in other positions of responsibility. This mental capacity or whatever it is that IQ tests claim to measure are meaningless in a moral context. It’s worthless if they do not have the moral stature to condemn all this killing or if they do not have the sense to see that it’s going on and that it’s wrong. High IQ doesn’t inoculate a person against ignorance, bias, wrong ideas, psychopathy or immoral behavior. IQ tests in part present people with puzzles to solve, and they can be tough mathematical or logical puzzles. Scoring high is no guarantee whatsoever that a person understands human behavior or understands his own problems and weaknesses or knows how to handle human situations or has a moral compass that’s suitable for being a leader or a person trusted with power.

One can fill government with droves of people with high IQs, but if the government has excessive power and is allowed to kill without being held accountable for it, these high IQs won’t prevent what we see has happened, which is that the U.S. government kills and kills again. We live in a world in which people think that it’s okay (moral) for a government to kill, even if individuals are not allowed to kill. The government’s supposedly moral interventions in foreign nations kill multi-millions and the Bill O’Reillys of the country can’t see the killing for what it is, don’t care, or refuse to see it for what it is — an unbelievably large immoral agenda stretching back for decades and showing no signs of coming to an end. It suffices for these people that the government acts as if it’s trying to do something good; any paper-thin justification or rationale, any false-flag, and propaganda campaign are enough to garner their support. Even when presented with evidence of government guilt after the fact, they refuse to acknowledge it. They refuse to see the problem with a government that’s supposedly attempting to accomplish a supposedly moral agenda by killing. They are inclined to intervene. This is attempting to make government into a collective Good Samaritan. It is this quest to right the world’s wrongs by the use of collective government force that we need to see is dreadfully wrong. The government that is given the leeway to follow this path will misuse its power. The proof is before us: 20-30 million people whose deaths are the responsibility of U.S. government under several administrations.


12:30 pm on February 9, 2017