DNC Does a “Sanders” on RFK, Jr.

The Demo-Bolshevik National [Socialist] Committee (DNC) shafted Bernie Sanders and rigged the primaries for Hillary Clinton in 2016.  Now they’re doing a Sanders on RFK, Jr. by announcing that the senile old criminal pervert in the White House will not debate anyone.  How could he?  He’s even more out of it than that Frankenstein look-alike Senator Fetterman from Pennsylvania who just spent two months in a mental hospital.  (Although a debate between the two of them would be very entertaining indeed).  In fact, no one will debate anyone in the Demo-Bolshevik party primaries.   They also pushed New Hampshire down the list because Brandon came in fifth there in 2020 (the true measure of his popularity among rank-and-file Democrats) and made South Carolina first, where it was easily rigged for Brandon.


10:52 am on April 24, 2023