David Rockefeller

The end of the year is a time for MSM editors to assign the complacent and compliant regime journalists under their thrall to cement into the collective consciousness of their pliable readership the official narrative concerning the notable events, anniversaries, births, gender transformations, celebrity rehab visitations, or deaths which took place over the past 365 days. It is also a time for reflective commentary by self-anointed pundits such as myself to make a few pithy observations. One of the neglected anniversaries which did not receive sufficient notice on LRC or in the attentive media at large was the 100 birthday of the world’s reigning oligarch David Rockefeller. The sly old weasel, who has presided over what Murray Rothbard aptly called the Rockefeller World Empire (RWE), has survived the demise of his siblings and reigns unopposed. The central focus of Rockefeller’s life has been dedicated to the expansion and consolidation of the RWE. This has been his proud legacy and the world’s unconscionable and horrific burden. Under his visionary rubric of the New World Order, a global governance by a predatory plutocracy of oligarchs such as himself has been carefully shaped for decades.


7:35 am on December 23, 2015