The Crumbling Establishment’s Sitzkrieg (Phony War) Against Trump

Bottom line: the reigning (and crumbling) Establishment, both in its overt and covert deep state manifestations, are pulling out all the stops in their futile, last minute efforts to derail and destroy Trump.

Everyone (including Hillary’s revanchist Hollywood tools and self-important celebrity yahoos) should always be ever watchful and vigilant concerning their rights and liberties under any government — local, state, federal, or that in a foreign nation. But this effort has nothing to do with that. It is a poorly constructed partisan Sitzkrieg orchestrated to undermine Trump’s legitimacy and that of our electoral institutions.

As you know from reading my LRC blogs and articles over the years, I believe that virtually every president, from the beginning of the 20th Century to the present, has in some form violated his oath of office and committed high crimes or misdemeanors which should have resulted in his impeachment.

“We” have been acting in a gross and blatant extra-constitutional mode for decades (particularly since FDR and Truman), under an imperial executive, a complaisant legislative branch, and compliant judiciary. We have ceased to be a republic under the rule of law and have become an arrogant empire, with devastating conduct both at home and abroad, destroying those fundamental safeguards and first principles the Framers established.

The deep state is beyond the Constitution. It is separate from the American government which we all learned about in school, composed of those legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The deep state has no restrictions on its extra-constitutional actions, no separation of powers, no checks and balances, no transparency or open accounting for its egregious and invasive behavior.

Michael Glennon’s perceptive book, National Security and Double Government, is an exercise in deep state studies by a Washington policymaker and academic.

Glennon’s book, in describing the dual nature of the American government is one of the most disturbing and disconcerting I have ever read. He posits that there is the “Madisonian” public government of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches found outlined in the Constitution,  supposedly operating under the rule of law, with separation of powers, checks and balances, and openness and transparency. This is contrasted with the “Trumanite” clandestine deep state, established by the National Security Act of 1947 during the Truman regime.

But it is not too late for President-elect Trump with the full support of millions of the American people to rise up and demand the surgical rooting out this cancerous monstrosity embedded deep within the body politic.

Will Trump rise to this solemn occasion and truly establish his moment in history and the restoration of the Republic?

We will soon see. The countdown continues.


12:22 pm on January 8, 2017