COVIDiocy’s Third Wave Swamps Christians: Thank You, Parson Goat!

Before we muck about in Parson William Goat’s manure, remember that the plandemic’s rates of survival are 94.6% in the most vulnerable group (those “70 years old or older”) and better than 99.5% for everyone else.

But those robust figures have positively terrified the Rev. Billy. Maybe he’s never read any of the hundred Biblical texts commanding us to “Be strong and of a good courage,” because God “will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” No Christian should ever tolerate fear, much less coddle it in himself or others.

And yet, across denominations and even the Great Schism between Catholic and Protestant, Parson Goat strives to create anxiety over flu. 

For example, COVID19 is such a killer that the Vatican will excuse those Catholics protecting themselves with vaccines from murdered babies, according to an article Bill Martin sent me. Indeed, the Holy See announced this indulgence via a masterpiece of double-speak:

“…it is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses” in the research and production process when “ethically irreproachable” vaccines aren’t available to the public. But [the Church] stressed that the “licit” uses of such vaccines “does not and should not in any way imply that there is a moral endorsement of the use of cell lines proceeding from aborted fetuses.”

Hoooookay. Still with me?

Scripture exhorts us to warble our praise to the Lord—at least 64 times, according to this compilation. And yet, at the “independent, Protestant evangelical” congregation in Mississippi that Anthony Powell attends,

The four elders (including the pastor) … have now banned singing in the church, because, well, it might spread Covid 1984.   We had been meeting on a regular basis from the end of May until recently (I know – should never have closed in the first place) and had been singing, when they decided to have ‘online’ church again, which is not church at all. 

No, it’s not. And Parson Goat will one day answer to the Lord Himself for pretending that it was.

However, about 50 of us beseeched the elders to “allow” us to attend in person, and they relented.  (Imagine that – ASKING church leadership if one can come to church.)   

Yeah, imagine.

However, there has been no singing.

Of course not. Why honor God when you can kowtow to government?

Now they are having a Christmas Eve service OUTDOORS in the 40 degree weather about 5PM, in order to ‘allow’  singing!  I’ll pass, given the fact we have a HEATED sanctuary.  I’ll stay home, and sing Christmas carols with my family, while sitting by our wood-burning heater.

Wise man. In contrast to those foolish elders.

Satan is laughing his behind off at the wimps who call themselves Christians.

And, even worse, nullifying our witness to a lost world.

Apparently these people don’t really believe 2 Timothy 1:7 which reads ‘For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.’ They just talk a good game.

On Zoom, no less.

You might think a church that exuberantly prizes tradition would shun the Novel Coronavirus. But not when its Archbishop is a “lowlife CIA satanic impostor,” as Ms. Anonymous put it. Her plaints against “Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America” betray a curious but understandable and heartening lack of charity. She charges this Goat with “destroy[ing] the Greek Orthodox Church in America.”

Lest you assume she exaggerates, a petition “To the clergy, monastics, and faithful of the Orthodox Church globally” urges them “to condemn the recent inappropriate and precarious endorsement of presidential candidate Joe Biden by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros. On August 19th, 2020 Archbishop Elpidophoros actively participated in the Democratic National Convention, he recited a prayer during which he gave a public endorsement of Joe Biden.”

Yes, Parsons Goat from various religions invoke their gods at the Rethuglican and Demonrat conventions (yet another proof of the Lord’s longsuffering: I’d have struck them all dead by now, were I He. And by “them,” I mean both politicians and the clergy sanctioning their evil). But Archbishop Elephant was too busy to appear at the Rethuglicans’ meeting (while you’re at that link, savor this astute comment from a reader: “…Born and raise Greek Orthodox, I cannot deny the fact that I am totally disappointed In our archbishop for taking political sides. I love America and saw what a socialist government did to Greece the country of my origin”).

Ergo, as you might expect, Elephant leaped onboard the COVIDCon Express. He recorded a plea to parishioners to diaper themselves; thank God, by Nov. 25, his swill had racked up only 1,361 views (out of 1.5 million Greek Orthodox in this country), with a mere “74 up votes” but “117 down votes.” Looks as if our Greek brothers are choosing to honor the Lord rather than Elephant as they bare faces made in His image.

Marxists are always hypocrites, and Elephant is a particularly rank one. A week or two after posting his propaganda on masks, he visited an elderly (read: “susceptible”) woman suffering from Alzheimer’s (ditto), without a diaper in sight. 

Meanwhile, beleaguered believers seeking relief from Parson Billy Goat’s poison may want to flee to the Serbian Orthodox Church. According to an anonymous believer, its congregations,

—at least in the Middle American Diocese– are NOT complying with COVID rules, at least with regard to the Divine Liturgy. There is NO social distancing in church, NO pews are being cordoned off, and NO clergy are wearing face masks (you do see an occasional layman wearing one – not sure why, but they’re far in the minority).

Here’s a pertinent article on the subject.

I’ve visited two of their parishes, and have not seen any of this nonsense at the after-church coffee hours, either. As a matter of fact, I visited one parish where the bishop was visiting that weekend. One of the priests gave a talk to the assembled parishioners in which he stated that it would be over his dead body that anyone wore a mask in his parish … and this with the bishop sitting about a foot away from him, from which I gather that the bishop was totally on board with him , and was likely the person who promulgated the policy.

This same priest told me that they had about 20 new members, mostly from other Orthodox churches that had implemented the COVID restrictions.

This issue has become a big problem within certain Orthodox jurisdictions, due to the fact that Orthodox serve Holy Communion from the Chalice with a spoon. The Orthodox Church in America and some of the Greek Orthodox have begun using multiple spoons, implying that the Body and Blood of Christ constitute a source of disease and death, rather than being the Source of Health and Life.

My own parish (Antiochian Archdiocese) has adopted a middle-of-the-road approach: no multiple spoons, but everyone is supposed to wear a mask – however, if someone doesn’t, you’re not supposed to judge him. On the other hand, only the clergy and choir are allowed to sing or chant (I guess they have consecrated respiratory droplets, as opposed to all of us laity). We’re supposed to sign up for church so Big Brother will have a contact-tracing list to check up on (I just show up unannounced when I do attend).

Two of our priests have come down with COVID. Fortunately, our deacon is an MD who prescribed hydroxychloroquine for both of them, and they have both recovered. Our deacon thinks the whole thing is a load of BS, face diapers and all.

I bet our Lord does, too.


7:55 pm on December 21, 2020