Commiecrat Warren’s Free Medical Care

Medicare for All excites Commiecrats and other varieties of communists/socialists/fascists/anti-capitalists/totalitarians. Take this: “To begin, her [Warren’s] plan covers everybody, with zero out-of-pocket expenses. ‘Medicare for All’ is a great brand. So is ‘Free Healthcare for Everybody.’ And that’s the central promise of the Sanders and Jayapal bills, and the Warren proposal as well. You get the doctors and caregivers and treatments you need, for free. That’s it. It is a deeply appealing vision (as evidenced by the enthusiasm that Bernie generates among the working class) that we can use to drive enormous turnout from voters who often stay home out of cynicism about what either party will do for them.”

Got it? You get the medical care you need FOR FREE. The writer addresses his “comrades”: “This, my comrades, is where Senator Warren performs what is perhaps the greatest feat of public policy jujitsu that I have ever seen.” “For my sisters and brothers in red [communists], let me put it this way: It would represent the largest redistribution of wealth since the Great Society, or maybe the New Deal,…”

This is the celebration of MASS THEFT. Only a true believing commiecrat could write “Warren shows how a single-payer system, and only a single-payer system, will dramatically reduce costs.”

Single-payer is GOVERNMENT, which means taxes, including a tax on employers that’s shifted to employees. Taxes will rise because demand for medical care will rise steeply when people line up for medical services and do not have to pay any bills. The demand will go to infinity. Got the sniffles? Go to the doctor. It’s free! Worried about a back pain? Go to the doctor. You need help. Trying to prolong your life at a cost of $100,000 per day? Not to worry, everyone will get that extra day or week or month, while someone else pays.

Medicare and Medicaid caused prices in the health sector to rise twice as much and more than other prices. The reason was that the payer is the government and selected consumers don’t foot the bills that they are causing. Medicare for All causes big lines at hospitals and doctors’ offices. The government, which means a group of councils and bureaucrats, sets prices, because it’s the sole payer. It’s the monopoly buyer. It must raise prices, but that means raising taxes. That’s unpopular and there aren’t enough taxes ever to pay for the HUGE demand that’s generated for what seems to be a free good that most people want lots and lots and lots of. The result is that you wait in line. You are rationed by waiting time and inconvenience. The promised medical care is a mirage. Services and quality actually decline. Doctors and hospitals under this system do not choose prices consistent with demand and supply. They lose the right to do so, and they lose the incentive to economize on their own time. Why should they? They have to follow the prices that the bureaucrats set. But how can the government know where to set prices? How can the government know how to price so as to discourage minor or non-existent complaints in favor of serious attacks that need immediate attention? Emergency rooms are supposed to be for emergencies, not minor cuts and bruises.

Imagine that anyone anywhere in America, including anyone who crosses the border, thinks that medical services won’t cost them anything in out-of-pocket fees and bills. The demand will skyrocket. Warren claims the costs will be paid by someone other than you. Who? Warren Buffett? What happens after the government has stolen his wealth or that of Bezos and Zuckerberg or Soros? Where does it turn after that’s used up? Why will anyone want to produce and amass wealth knowing that they’re working for the IRS and to pay for someone else’s ideas of their health needs?

Why would anyone other than a communist, a commiecrat like Warren, Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, etc. even consider such a plan? What happened to freedom? What happened to your rights to keep the fruits of your labor? Why would you not realize that when the wealth of the super-rich has been looted, it won’t be replaced? Why would you not see that the next step is to tax the rich, the middle class, and the lower class? Someone has to pay the bills when the doctors (or assistants) examine everyone with the common cold.

Democracy and the democratic republican form of government rely on the absence of mass violence and theft through government itself. But this reliance is illusory. The Constitution we have has proven no barrier to schemes of mass wealth redistribution, such as Medicare for All. Communism under other names and under schemes like Medicare for All takes over, and communism explicitly endorses mass violence and theft through government.

Note: James Feltus suggested to me the term commiecrat. I didn’t originate it.


7:49 am on November 4, 2019