As I mentioned earlier, it’s difficult to find much of the work of radical traditionalist L. Brent Bozell. A handful of his more famous essays are still in print, with at least one essay in George Carey’s informative collection of essays Freedom and Virtue: The Conservative/Libertarian Debate. (The volume also contains an essay by Rothbard criticizing Bozell’s views.)
Bozell’s later works are even harder to find in print, but it is still possible to find used copies of an out-of-print collection of essays by Bozell called Mustard Seeds. My copy arrived the other day:
I scanned in the back cover so you can see the detail. One thing about Bozell is that it’s nearly impossible to find a photograph of him other than the one that’s used in his Wikipedia page. There’s one on the back cover. True to later Bozell, he’s open-necked and seems to be wearing an old sweater:
Bozell’s collected works here are far more radical, passionate, and therefore more interesting than what he wrote as a mainstream conservative at National Review. They’re explicitly Catholic, which is also refreshing, not necessarily for the Catholicism part, but because they’re explicitly part of a specific religious tradition. I’ve long disliked political writings by conservatives that talk a lot about souls, and morality, and virtue, but which refuse to just come right out and connect with any specific religious tradition. Articles that assume we can all agree on some watered-down “Christian values” without being explicitly religious are both boring and unconvincing. You’ll find none of that here.
9:33 pm on January 18, 2014