Buchanan Nails It Again

In a recent article, “Should We Commit to Fight Russia – for Finland?” Pat Buchanan once again asks a profound question that relates to U.S. foreign policy: “But how does it benefit our country, the USA, to be obligated to go to war with a nation that commands the world’s largest stockpile of nuclear weapons – over some quarrel in the Baltic Sea or Gulf of Finland that does not affect us?” Here are some of his other gems:

“As we have no claim to rocks or reefs in the South China Sea — Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines do — why is this our quarrel?”

“Why, 64 years after the Korean War, a quarter-century after the Cold War, are we still obliged to go to war to defend South Korea from a North with one-half the South’s population and 3 percent of its gross domestic product?”

“Why should a single American die for the Emir of Kuwait?”


7:06 pm on April 18, 2022