Now that the Brexit referendum has been accomplished, it is perhaps time to once again review the roots of the EU. Journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard provided a key piece of the puzzle with this important expose’ article tracing the covert planning, manipulation, and financing of post-WWII European federalism to top tiers of the American intelligence establishment (which interlocked with key Wall Street investment banks and financial institutions, the major foundations which acted as covert funding mechanisms for these projects, the elite mainstream media which provided disinformation and cover for the endeavor, and entities of the foreign policy establishment such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Atlantic Council.
Other respected researchers have presented their evidence, which on the mundane surface level appears to be contradictory, as to the roots of “the European Idea,” European federalism, and the EU. Most notably, I am referring to former Soviet dissidents Vladimir Bukovsky and Pavel Stroilov and their compact book, EUSSR: The Soviet Roots of European Integration, and British Euro-Skeptic (and classical liberal) John Laughland and his The Tainted Source: The Undemocratic Origins of the European Idea, which traces this collectivist impetus to its National Socialist and Fascist origins. But as I pointed out in an earlier LRC article, the ideological roots of collectivism, whether in its communist, fascist, or national socialist variations, have a common origin themselves.
1:35 pm on June 25, 2016