David Mueller’s mother found this explanation of politics and sent it to him; he kindly forwarded it to me:
I told my son “I want you to marry a girl of my choice!”
He said “NO!”
I told him it’s Bill Gates’ daughter!!!!
He said “OKAY!”
Got in contact with Bill Gates & told him “I want your daughter to marry my son!”
He said “NO!”
Told him my son was the CEO of the World Bank!
He said “OKAY!”
Went to the President of the World Bank & told him to make my son CEO of the Bank!
He said “NO!”
Told him my son was Bill Gates’ Son in Law!
He said “OKAY!”
And that’s exactly how politics works.
Meanwhile, further down my in-box, I found Mark Luedtke’s nomination for “Best Sub-Head on An Article About Totalitarian-But-Vague Politicians.” The headline on the piece reads, “UK gov says new Home Sec will have powers to ban end-to-end encryption,” while the sub-head that so tickled Mark says, “Amber Rudd yet to emerge from blanket of ministerial double-speak.” I await such truthfulness from media on this side of the pond.
Finally, Bill Martin sends this link about a “Republican for the House of Delegates” in West Virginia who tweeted, “Hillary Clinton, you should be tried for treason, murder, and crimes against the US Constitution… then hung [sic] on the Mall in Washington, DC.” This eminently sensible description of the way justice once worked in this country has earned said “Republican,” Michael Folk, not only condemnation from the peanut gallery but also the loss of his real job with United Airlines: “This pilot has been removed from flying pending our investigation. We are appalled by his threatening comments.” Really, United? And yet the TSA’s sexual assault of your customers hasn’t ever even angered, let alone “appalled,” you. What a bunch of gutless wusses crony capitalists are!
Meanwhile, remember that politicians and bureaucrats (and some serfs, too) mouthed exactly the same “threatening comments” regarding Edward Snowden–yet I don’t recall any outrage from the peanuts or cronies then.
10:10 am on July 18, 2016