Attorney Robert Barnes: Did OJ Simpson Really Do It?

Not only is Robert Barnes a master litigator and top-notch attorney but one of the most in depth, articulate, well read and street-smart experienced political analysts in the nation. Whether it involves the institutionalized criminal machine cartels of the Democrats and Republicans or the deep state, he is a true polymath reminiscent of Murray N. Rothbard in his power elite analysis of Realpolitik.

This weekend in Las Vegas there is a massive celebratory event with enthusiastic people and well-wishers gathered from across the country to commemorate Robert Barnes 50th birthday and help raise funds for the 1776 Law Center.

1776 Law Center helps those who cannot afford counsel and public advocates to obtain capable, competent counsel and public advocates, especially when their case broadly impacts the liberties of all Americans in the freedom to what we put in our bodies, our defense of self, free elections, and financial empowerment. 

Political Freedom, Food Freedom, Medical Freedom and Financial Freedom. 

Political Freedom encompasses free speech, self-defense, government transparency, and honest elections. 

Food Freedom covers both the right to choose what goes into your body and the right of farmers to farm their land the way they know to make it the best food we can eat. 

Medical Freedom encompasses the right to bodily autonomy, the right to informed consent, the right of to say no to an unwanted drug or vaccine. 

Financial Freedom protects against woke banks, central bank digital currencies, tax authority misbehavior, social credit score systems, transparency to the central bankers, and access to capital and tools like alternative currencies, crypto, bitcoin, cancel-free payment processors, and opposition to taxation as confiscation and control. 

Who has 1776 Law Center Supported? From the Covington kids to Kyle Rittenhouse, from employer mandates to Brook Jackson, from Amish farmer Amos Miller to Children’s Health Defense, from election challenges to suits against The Federal Reserve, 1776 Law Center fills a critical gap of legal need and public advocacy. Your help is critical to making that a reality. 


3:19 am on April 13, 2024