Deep State: Assassinations and Their Cover-Ups
Speakers: Andrew Krieg, Russ Baker, William Pepper
William Pepper – 1:01 – 40:05
Russ Baker – 40:17 – 1:00:17
Andrew Krieg – 1:00:27 – 1:31:29
Q&A follows
Were John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy victims of lone-nut killers as the Deep State contends? Or was that a cover for assassinations a shadow government orchestrated? If so, were the perpetrators emboldened to commit more murders and crimes? What would our lives be like if these three powerful politicians were still alive? Who benefited from their violent deaths? Who thwarted meaningful investigations of these game-changing assassinations?
Who continues to cover them up, and why? The government was forced by law to release thousands of documents on the JFK assassination, yet many remain inexplicably classified. Who knows what discoveries await if funding were available for thorough investigations? Remarkably, after 50+ years, there still are many leads in what is the most famous cold case in US history.
Russ Baker, author of Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government and the Secret History of the Last Fifty Years, is currently researching a book about the Kennedy assassination and has much new information to share. Andrew Krieg, in addition to JFK assassination research, has also written on the murder of RFK. William Pepper, a distinguished human rights lawyer, represented James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirhan, and has written several books about the murder of Dr. King — Orders to Kill: The Truth Behind the Murder of Martin Luther King; An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King; and his latest book, The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
11:01 pm on July 31, 2016