A search on “antifa websites” brings us to this join up site.
Right away, we read “August 2020 – Now More Than Ever – Destroy!” Okay, their mission is DESTROY. Therefore, they should be recognized as BELLIGERENTS. They are ATTACKERS. They are MILITANTS. They are out to MAKE CONFLICTS. They describe themselves as such:
“The antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/) movement is composed of left-wing, autonomous, militant anti-fascist groups and individuals in the United States. The principal feature of antifa groups is their use of direct action, with conflicts occurring both online and in real life.”
We see that they think of themselves as “left-wing”. They are COMMUNIST ANARCHISTS. This site says “2020 has been our year comrades!” Commies call each other comrades. They refer to themselves as “people within the anarchist and anti-fascist movement.”
They revel in VIOLENCE, CONFLICTS, DIRECT ACTION, DESTROYING, ATTACKING. They say this and they congratulate themselves at it, saying “2020 has been our year comrades! May, June and July were amazing months for the Antifa movement, don’t let that momentum stop!” They celebrate their DESTRUCTIVE ACTS, their CRIMINAL ACTS.
Any city leaders who fail to call in the National Guard, any judge who lets them off, any prosecutor who fails to prosecute them, and any politician who disarms the police should be VOTED OUT OF OFFICE as soft on crime. Those who are still labeling these antifa THUGS as PROTESTERS need to change their tune right away. Call them ATTACKERS, or BELLIGERENTS, or MILITANTS, or COMMIE THUGS, or ANARCHIST THUGS, or Militant Communist anarchists, or some equivalent terms, but not protesters, much less peaceful protesters.
Democrats in power who keep telling us about protesters are accomplices. They are communist supporters who want antifa to create revolutionary conditions. For example, Rep. Karen Bass is a Democrat and communist, and she says ““When we get rid of this administration, there will be so many new laws and regulations we need to look at when we get rid of this administration.” What new laws? You can bet that they’ll aim at creating a one-party system and at totalitarian measures that attempt to disarm Americans and prevent draconian measures from being put into effect. The radicals will push out the old-line Democrats and attempt to institute one-party socialist rule.
BLM is not far behind in needing a descriptive makeover too.
Once again, from this site and in their words: “July 2020 – Don’t Stop!! Revolution Comrades”. Yes, they want MORE RIOTS, MORE ATTACKS. They are organizing REVOLUTION. They are showing “How To Form An Antifa Group”.
Antifa will not be stopped without putting some of them behind bars. They will not be stopped without sentences that hit them where it hurts, in fines and in losing their freedom of action. Passivity is out of the question.
8:41 pm on August 18, 2020