Dear Dictator Zelenskyy:
Now that we, the American taxpayers, have given you and your fellow shadowy Ukrainian oligarchs hundreds of billions of dollars, our “media” are calling you our “ally.” Since alliances are assumed to be two-way streets I’m writing to ask a small favor in return for all those billions. You have probably heard that a hurricane recently destroyed hundreds of homes, 200 dead Americans have been discovered in the aftermath so far, entire towns in North Carolina have been totally destroyed, some will never recover, and golfer John Daly alone lost three houses in Florida.
So, Mr. Dictator Zelenskyy, I’m asking if you could return a million or two to help out the poor people in North Carolina, parts of Georgia, and Florida. Our Department of Fatherland Security (I’m sure you have one as well, being a dictatorship and all) says it has no money for them, having spent billions placing tens of millions of Third World peasants and parasites (aka Undocumented Democrat Voters) on welfare. We are also facing an impending crime problem. Our government reports that among the Third World peasants and parasites the Brandon administration has imported and given federal IDs and drivers licenses so that they can vote in the upcoming election are some 13,000 convicted murderers and 20,000 convicted rapists. These of course are people that their own countries were all too happy to get rid of. As a dictatorial “strongman” I’m sure you support the police, so I’m asking if you could possibly send us another million or two for some of our police departments.
Dictator Zelenskyy, in my country a lot or our billionaires donate to all kinds of charities and other good causes. They call it “giving back.” In short, I am asking you to join your fellow billionaires and give back some of the stolen funds (aka “tax revenue”) that belong to American taxpayers anyway.
One more thing. I saw that you and an entourage of American defense contractors campaigned for Kamala Harris at a Pennsylvania bomb factory recently. It’s too bad you outlawed elections and opposition parties in your country. Kamala Harris and all the Democrat party oligarchs (Soros, Gates, the Hollywood crowd, Goldman Sachs, Obama, etc.) must be disappointed that they will never be able to return the favor.
By the way, why do you spell your name with a second “y” at the end?
Your Ally,
Tom DiLorenzo
6:36 am on October 4, 2024