One lie, denying aggression against Iraq? Is only one lie the cause of America’s moral cancer? One is sufficient, but there have literally been hundreds of lies coming from America’s highest elected officials concerning all the foreign interventions in the 2000s. Cover-ups? Watergate is famous, but that was a Sunday school picnic compared to recent history. Cover-ups are now replaced by lies and spins disseminated at the outset from the top, so that they do not even appear as cover-ups. They become the reality.
Lower-level people are targeted and scapegoated while top officials are left unscathed. Justice is perverted. Justice is thereby rendered inoperative against the people, the higher echelon American leaders, who have the greatest responsibility for the truly major crimes against humanity that they have perpetrated.
Read the account of Abu Ghraib and weep. We live in a fallen world in which America was never a paragon, but there is always room to fall further and room to rise. America has been falling and falling badly, and it cannot begin to rise without coming clean about its crimes of late.
George W. Bush and on down need to be viewed as war criminals and tried for their crimes in public, but who has the clean hands and the moral stature to conduct such trials? The moral filth has spread so far that this question has to be raised. Who are not themselves also guilty and able to conduct such trials? One does not need punishments even to be carried out to obtain the benefits of airing and revealing to the broad public what was done in their names. It is not being done. It is all being thrown into the dark closet of the American subconscious and locked up where it will continue to fester and rot the American conscience.
7:45 am on June 2, 2015