America has a moral cancer and it is metastatic. The cause of the cancer is a lie. It is the lie denying that the attack on Iraq in 2003 was an outright aggression. It is the lie that denies that this aggression had no justification in intelligence, in weapons of mass destruction, in anti-terrorism or in any other conceivable reason. It is the lie that denies that the aggression was preceded by a propaganda campaign that itself contained one lie after another.
The moral cancer is apparent in the chorus of lies emanating from presidential candidates who blame the Iraq aggression on a non-existent cause: faulty intelligence. The fact is that intelligence and UN inspections revealed no threats of any kind to America from weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The fact is that the Bush administration decided to oust Saddam Hussein regardless of what intelligence showed.
Lies are breeding more lies. Lies are breeding a separation between reality and beliefs that induces further aggressions. Lies that are covering up a massive aggression create a foundation for further aggressions. Lies that succeed in concealing realities are breeding the confidence to pursue further lies. Lies at high levels produce a corrosion of morality throughout society. They produce cynicism. Lies of this magnitude are a moral cancer that has the capacity to spread into healthy organs of personal and social life. They have the capacity to produce domestic destruction of many kinds.
11:46 am on May 31, 2015