Now that the city fathers and mothers (a.k.a. sleaezeball cultural Marxist politicians) of Austin, Texas want to rename the place because Stephen Austin was a slave owner, I think it would be appropriate as well to rename Washington, D.C. (and Washington state) since George Washington was a slave owner for 56 years. The assumption behind all such proposals to erase American history is the notion that all the problems of the so-called “black underclass” stem from “the legacy of slavery” and have nothing –nothing! — at all to do with the welfare state, the war on drugs, the rotten inner city goverment schools, the minimum wage law, the horrors of public housing, etc. Consequently, it would seem appropriate to rename D.C. something like Kingville, after M.L. King, Jr. This will guarantee an instant disappearance of all the problems of the “black underclass” and “marginalized communities,” as the cultural Marxist Left calls it.
12:29 pm on July 30, 2018