1968 – The Year That Shaped a Generation (Outstanding Documentary Illustrating Many Turbulent Parallels to Today)

This is a documentary posted specifically for those persons not alive in the chaotic turbulent year of 1968.

In 2024 we now have the weakened incumbent president Joe Biden announcing his withdrawal from the presidential race after losing his mandate for leadership, with chronic lying and disgust surrounding him and his criminal regime and its unpopular policies of war abroad and repeated failures at home, widespread distrust in the efficacy and believability in the “fake news” legacy media, the insurgent presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. following courageously in the footsteps of his father Robert Kennedy who was assassinated in 1968 on the triumphant victorious pathway towards the nomination of his party in Chicago, the massive disruptive anti-war protests and riots expected in Chicago at the Democrat National Convention, and the tremendous outpouring of empathetic support directed to the defiant courageous Donald Trump who like RFK and MLK was targeted by the deep state for assassination.

This outstanding PBS documentary details the tumultuous impact of how events such as the Vietnamese Tet Offensive, the credibility gap between the Johnson administration’s lies and evasions on the War and growing skepticism on the part of elements of the establishment regime media expected to follow in lockstep in the fake news narrative (was Walter Cronkite an early version of Tucker Carlson in this regard?), the insurgent presidential campaigns of Eugene McCarthy and Robert Kennedy against the incumbent Lyndon Johnson, Johnson’s shattering announcement of his refusal to seek re-election, the assassination of Martin Luther King, the rise of the counter-culture and student protests at Columbia University, the Parisian student-led revolution in France in May, the impactful wrenching assassination of Robert Kennedy, the police riot at the Chicago Democratic National convention, the massacre of protesters in Mexico City, the Prague uprising, the insurgent presidential campaign of George Wallace, and the presidential race between Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Hubert Humphrey, made 1968 the pivotal year which shaped a generation of Americans.

It was a time when a generation rebelled and lost its innocence. From the Vietnam War to the struggle for racial equality to the birth of a counter-culture explosion, the 1960s were a decade of change, experimentation and hope that transformed an entire nation.


4:18 pm on July 21, 2024