Thanks JJ.
7:25 pm on March 24, 2025LRC Blog
Thanks JJ.
7:25 pm on March 24, 2025
At Hillsdale’s Constitution Day Celebration, Mike Benz explores the history and evolution of the intelligence state in the United States, detailing its origins, the establishment of covert operations, and the implications of political warfare.
Mike discusses key documents and events that shaped the intelligence community, including the CIA’s role in foreign elections and the transition from hard power to soft power in American foreign policy. The conversation also highlights the ongoing influence of the intelligence state in contemporary politics and its relationship with populism.
4:51 pm on March 24, 2025
“The Special Relationship” is a term that is often used to describe the political, social, diplomatic, cultural, economic, legal, environmental, religious, military and historic relations between the United Kingdom and the United States or its political leaders.
A cornerstone of “the Special Relationship” is the collecting and sharing of intelligence, which originated during the Second World War with the sharing of code-breaking knowledge and led to the 1943 BRUSA Agreement, which was signed at Bletchley Park. After the war, the common goal of monitoring and countering the threat of communism prompted the UK-USA Security Agreement of 1948. This agreement brought together the SIGINT organizations of the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand and is still in place today (Five Eyes). The head of the Central Intelligence Agency station in London attends each weekly meeting of the British Joint Intelligence Committee.
“The Special Relationship” (book list
O.S.S. and “the Special Relationship” (book list)
The OSS and the Fathers of the CIA (book list)
From Empire to International Commonwealth: A Biography of Lionel Curtis, by Deborah Lavin
This is the first biography of Lionel Curtis, a highly influential figure in international affairs throughout the first half of the twentieth century. He was instrumental in extending self-government to the ‘new South Africa’ in 1910, India in 1916, and Eire after 1921. He worked to associate the Commonwealth with America in 1918 and towards a united Europe in 1948. He was founder of the Round Table, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and the Oxford Society.
From the Back Cover
Lionel Curtis C.H. once counted among the great and good, working behind the scenes of international politics and honoured as the ‘pioneer of a great idea’ – international federation as the natural successor to empire. He advocated federation as the way to create a new South Africa after the Boer War; he called for self-government in India in 1912; in 1921 he was instrumental in attempting to pacify the Irish Troubles by treating Eire as if it were a self-governing Commonwealth Dominion. He went on to preach the conversion of the Empire-Commonwealth into a multinational federation, which, in association with the United States, would serve as a model for a united Europe, and even for world government. He founded the Round Table think-tank, the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House, and the Oxford Society. He lobbied indefatigably for his vision of the Commonwealth as a new world order, to be more effective than the League of Nations in making wars obsolete. In the process, he exasperated nationalists and imperialists alike as a prophet of apparently lost causes. He deserves to be remembered not only for what he achieved but for what he was: the bore who never lost a friend; the optimist who stuck to his belief when all was lost; the third-class scholar who became a Fellow of All Souls; the visionary riding his hobby-horse into the drawing rooms of high political society and yet invited affectionately to return. The remarkable character of the man and the influence he exerted on the history of the Empire and Commonwealth are explored in this authoritative biography.
About the Author
Deborah Lavin is Principal of Trevelyan College, and President of the Howlands Trust, University of Durham.
10:52 am on March 24, 2025
They sit on hundreds of billions of dollars in endowments while whining and wailing like scalded babies when DOGE cuts their lavish subsidies by a few million. The more cutting the better for these dysfunctional incubators of socialism.
Humorous side note: I once held a privately-funded endowed chair. Since the chair holders were generally paid more than the average professor, a socialist philosophy professor (the only allowable type) complained about this unconscionable inequality in a letter to the editor in the school newspaper, condemning me especially for being “by far the best endowed” of all the chair holders. I was told at the time that I then became the talk of the female employees at the university.
10:35 am on March 24, 2025
The Legacy of Carroll Quigley
The Professor and the President
“As a teenager I heard John Kennedy’s summons to citizenship. And as a student at Georgetown, I heard the call clarified by a professor I had named Carroll Quigley, who said America was the greatest country in the history of the world because our people have always believed in two great ideas: first, that tomorrow can be better than today, and second, that each of us has a personal moral responsibility to make it so.”
When Bill Clinton spoke these stirring words to millions of Americans during his 1992 acceptance address before the Democratic National Convention upon receiving his party’s nomination for President of the United States, the vast multitude of his television audience paused for a micro-second to reflect: Who is Carroll Quigley and why did he have such a dramatic effect on this young man before us who may become our country’s leader?
Carroll Quigley was a legendary professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University, and a former instructor at Princeton and Harvard.
He was a lecturer at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, the Brookings Institution, the U. S. Naval Weapons Laboratory, the Foreign Service Institute of the State Department, and the Naval College.
Quigley was a closely connected elite “insider” to the American Establishment, with impeccable credentials and trappings of respectability.
But Carroll Quigley’s most notable achievement was the authorship of one of the most important books of the 20th Century: Tragedy and Hope – A History of the World in Our Time.
No one can truly be cognizant of the intricate evolution of networks of power and influence which have played a crucial role in determining who and what we are as a civilization without being familiar with the contents of this 1,348-page tome.
It is the “Ur-text” of Establishment Studies, earning Quigley the epithet of “the professor who knew too much” in a Washington Post article published shortly after his 1977 death.
In Tragedy and Hope, as well as the posthumous The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden, Quigley traces this network, in both its overt and covert manifestations, back to British racial imperialist and financial magnate Cecil Rhodes and his secret wills, outlining the clandestine master plan through seven decades of intrigue, spanning two world wars, to the assassination of John Kennedy.
Through an elaborate structure of banks, foundations, trusts, public-policy research groups, and publishing concerns (in addition to the prestigious scholarship program at Oxford), the initiates of what are described as the Round Table groups (and its offshoots such as the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations) came to dominate the political and financial affairs of the world.
For the ambitious young man from Hope, Arkansas, his mentor’s visionary observations would provide the blueprint of how the world really worked as he made his ascendancy via Oxford through the elite corridors of power to the Oval Office.
The Conservatives Discover Carroll Quigley
Published in 1966, Tragedy and Hope lay virtually unnoticed by academic reviewers and the mainstream media establishment. Then Dr. W. Cleon Skousen, the noted conservative author of the 1961 national best-seller, The Naked Communist, discovered Quigley, and the serious implications of what Quigley had revealed. In 1970, Skousen published The Naked Capitalist: A Review and Commentary on Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Book Tragedy and Hope.
This was soon followed by None Dare Call It Conspiracy. This slim volume by Gary Allen (and Larry Abraham) provided the massive paradigm shift of grassroots, populist conservatives from mere anti-Communism to a much larger anti-elitist world-view.
Millions of copies of these books came into print, and the conservative movement changed forever.
Copies of Tragedy and Hope began disappearing from library shelves. A pirate edition was printed. Quigley came to believe that his publisher Macmillan had suppressed his book. Dr. Gary North, the esteemed writer well known to readers of, has an interesting discussion of these curious facts in the chapter, “Maverick ‘Insider’ Historians,” in his book, Conspiracy: A Biblical View, available on-line.
However some persons believe Carroll Quigley was simply amplifying earlier research in conservative authors Emanuel Josephson’s Rockefeller ‘Internationalist’: The Man Who Misrules The World, and Dan Smoot’s The Invisible Government, or that of the radical sociologist C. Wright Mill’s The Power Elite, which had outlined these same elite networks of power.
I disagree with that narrow assessment. Although there is much to disagree with in interpretation in Quigley’s book, the originality and titanic scope of the work cannot be doubted or disparaged.
In a book much praised by Murray Rothbard, author Carl Oglesby’s The Yankee and Cowboy War: Conspiracies From Dallas To Watergate, has a fascinating discussion of Quigley within a wider framework of American power politics and subterranean intrigue.
And in a volume hailed by Gore Vidal, Christopher Hitchens, before he morphed from Trotskyist man of letters to Neocon mouthpiece, had some insightful musings along the line of Quigley in his Blood, Class, and Nostalgia: Anglo-American Ironies.
In the Preface to his book, The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden, Quigley noted:
“I have been told that the story I relate here would be better left untold, since it would provide ammunition for the enemies of what I admire. I do not share this view. The last thing I should wish is that anything I write could be used by the Anglophobes and isolationists of the Chicago Tribune. But I feel that the truth has a right to be told, and once told, can be an injury to no men of good will. Only by a knowledge of the errors of the past is it possible to correct the tactics of the future.”
Although his book was written in 1949 it was not published until after his death in 1981. Ironically Quigley was correct concerning the contents of his expose’. As Murray N. Rothbard pointed out in his semi-autobiographical masterwork, The Betrayal of the American Right, the Midwestern voice of Old Right non-interventionism, Colonel Robert McCormick’s Chicago Tribune, published a contemporaneous series of hard-hitting muckraking articles in 1951 attacking what Rothbard described as “the Wall Street-Anglophile Establishment”: “Rhodes’ Goal: Return U.S. to British Empire,” “Rhodes Ideals Slant State Department Policies,” “Rhodes’ Wards Hawk Global Scheme in U.S.,” “Rhodes Grads Influential in Eastern Press — Aid British, Global Propaganda,” “Even Congress Not Immune to Rhodes’ Ideas,” and “OWI Propaganda Linked to Rhodes Men.”
And now President Donald Trump has publicly stated, on the record, his desire to fulfill the long-term, century old insidious goal of the globalist Anglo-American Elite Establishment, to become members of the British Commonwealth of Nations.
The US joining the Commonwealth of Nations is the ULTIMATE BETRAYAL of an American First foreign policy.
The oldest goal of the Cecil Rhodes’ Round Table (the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House) in London and the Council on Foreign Relations in New York composing the Anglo-American Establishment in the UK and the USA is for the American government to join the Commonwealth of Nations. This was the birth of the “Special Relationship” of the modern New World Order globalist concept.
Donald Trump Suggests US Could Join British CommonwealthDonald Trump agrees to make US part of Commonwealth because he ‘loves King Charles’
So who composes the Commonwealth of Nations?
While you are perusing this list think of these nations’ totalitarian attitudes and egregious policies during the COVID-19 lockdowns and today regarding attacks upon freedom of speech, the rule of law, and lack of constitutional restraint toward respecting individual rights and liberties of their citizens.
What, in the name of God, is Trump thinking?
In The Old Days Life Was So Much Simpler
The “Special Relationship” (book list)
The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden, by Carrol Quigley
Tragedy and Hope: A History of Our World in Our Time, by Carrol Quigley
UNION NOW / UNION NOW WITH BRITAIN (2 Vols) by Clarence K. Streit
Union Now, by Clarence K. Streit
The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda, by Michael Rectenwald (Author), Lew Rockwell (Foreword)
12:34 am on March 22, 2025
Powerful background discussion of the crucial context of the “Oswald in Mexico City” story as essential to the framing of Lee Harvey Oswald for the JFK assassination. David Atlee Phillips (“Maurice Bishop”) was the CIA’s chief of operations for the Western Hemisphere in Mexico City.
6:17 pm on March 21, 2025
With the initial, unprecedented, landmark investigations and damning revelations of massive systemic and all-pervasive criminality, culpability, and corruption within the various federal departments and administrative agencies uncovered since the beginning of President Donald Trump’s second term in office in January, it is important to once again review and fully comprehend the factual record below.
Famed attorney Robert Barnes recently provided an exceptional in-depth retrospective history of FBI deep state corruption, politicalization, and weaponization from its inception to the present. This is an outstanding, must-see presentation before the Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar.
End the FBI, by Ryan McMaken
And lastly an Establishment apologia or defense of the conventional narrative on Hoover and the FBI from an implanted deep state adjunct. Mark Tooley is president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy and editor of IRD’s foreign policy and national security journal, Providence: A Journal of Christianity & American Foreign Policy. He worked eight years for the Central Intelligence Agency and is a graduate of Georgetown University. In 1994 he joined IRD to found its United Methodist project (UMAction) and became IRD President in 2009.
8:50 am on March 21, 2025
Robert Barnes in one of his best and most insightful interviews. Comprehensive and authoritative in tracing and outlining the systemic sources and backgrounds of these corrupt nefarious actors over time. He remains the brilliant attorney/political analyst who shines the disinfecting light of illumination and clarity upon understanding the tragic, chaotic world in which we live.
That is why key observers across the political spectrum recognize that Barnes is not only a master litigator and top-notch attorney but one of the most in depth, articulate, well read and street-smart experienced political analysts in the nation. Whether it involves the institutionalized criminal machine cartels of the Democrats and Republicans or the deep state, he is a true polymath reminiscent of Murray N. Rothbard in his power elite analysis of Realpolitik.
Tuesday Newsday is packed with bombshells! Trump is declassifying 80,000 JFK assassination files—but what will they reveal? Meanwhile, MS-13’s Most Wanted is captured, and Trump is pushing mass deportations under the Alien Enemies Act despite judicial pushback.
Also in this episode:
Hunter & Ashley Biden stripped of Secret Service protection—but Marco Polo tracks Hunter to South Africa, surrounded by government agents
Minnesota Republicans propose labeling ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ as a mental illness
Astronauts Butch Wilmore & Suni Williams finally return to Earth after 9 months stranded in space
Semisonic tells the White House to stop using ‘Closing Time’—‘You missed the point’
Mark Groubert & Eric Hunley break it all down—join America’s Untold Stories for the real story behind the headlines!
Like, share & subscribe!
1:25 pm on March 18, 2025
Trump has been issuing executive orders left and right and targeting many federal agencies. However, there is one agency that Trump has not announced any cuts: the Drug Enforcement Administration or DEA. As much as I am opposed to practically every agency of the federal government, getting rid of the DEA should be high on the list of anyone who treasures individual liberty, personal and financial privacy, and private property.
7:11 pm on March 17, 2025
This month marks the fifth anniversary of America’s dissent into Soviet-style totalitarian tyranny under the phony baloney guise of “fighting the COVID pandemic.” In light of the fact that I never took any of the shots and only ever wore a mask in order to be allowed into the grocery store (until Governor DeSantis dropped that idiotic policy in September of 2020) I am amazed that I am still alive.
9:41 am on March 14, 2025
As President Trump and President Putin negotiate a lasting peace between Russia and Ukraine in the weeks ahead, the outcome now is indisputable. We, the U.S. and NATO, lost our proxy war in Ukraine, a war that will go down in history as one of our worst foreign policy disasters, even worse than our ignominious withdrawal from our 20-year war in Afghanistan.
Hundreds of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are dead, and even more are wounded and maimed. We fought to the last Ukrainian soldier, with no skin in the game. Sorrow blankets the land. Ukraine’s infrastructure has been decimated. Russia is substantially stronger economically and militarily, with stronger ties to Iran, North Korea, and China. Sanctions had little if any effect. The economies of Western Europe lie stagnant or contracting, the paucity of their military forces, capabilities, and industries starkly exposed. Political upheaval is in the air across Europe. $183 billion of our U.S. taxpayer money proved a foolish investment, enriching the corrupt Zelensky regime and the U.S. defense industry, and served no purpose other than protracting the war.
Lest we forget, it was all borrowed money increasing annual deficits and the U.S. debt, which now exceeds $36 trillion. Not surprisingly, the war’s political and military pundits are growing silent. The years of utter propaganda and untruthful narrative espoused by U.S. and NATO political elites and think tanks to justify and sustain the war appears for what it was. NATO’s viability and utility have been further diminished, having proved useless for deterring Russia for over a decade, much less demonstrating that its combat equipment and methods of training enable an army to defeat Russian forces on the battlefield. Calls for dissolving NATO and creating a new security arrangement for Europe become louder each passing day. An unbiased, objective look at NATO’s performance as a military organization since 1989 strongly supports the need.
For those who believe NATO is the most effective military alliance in history, I offer a more pragmatic, realistic view based on cold, hard facts. Since the Soviet Union collapsed some 35 years ago, new reasons were forged by the political elites of member nations to justify and sustain NATO’s existence. NATO morphed into an organization far removed from the purpose it was originally formed to achieve and did achieve. Yet, the treaty has never been changed. For example, from March to June 1999, NATO launched an offensive air campaign attacking the armed forces of Serbia over a period of 78 days until Serbia agreed to withdraw from Kosovo and end its conflict with Kosovo Albanians. Politicians of NATO nations, without the direct authorization of the United Nations Security Council, justified this war ostensibly to end and prevent egregious human rights abuses. Article 5 of the treaty was not invoked. It was ignored. Not a single NATO country was attacked by Serbia. Nor has peace been restored. For the past 25 years, some 4,500 NATO soldiers have remained in Kosovo to preserve an unstable peace at immense cost and expense with no end in sight.
Next, consider the war in Afghanistan. NATO assumed command of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan in August 2003. This military operation marked the first deployment of NATO forces outside Europe and North America. By 2006, NATO forces were engaged in intensive combat to defeat Taliban insurgents across the entire nation. All 30 nations of NATO contributed forces to this effort. ISAF continued operations until December 2014, when the U.S. withdrew most of its forces. For these 11 years under NATO command, soldiers suffered under fifteen commanding generals, continual mission turbulence, and conflicting rules of engagement. Many commanders served six months or less. The rest, a little over a year. The Taliban was not destroyed. Just the opposite. On the heels of the U.S.’s humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, followed by the unexpected and rapid collapse of the Afghan National Security Force, Taliban forces stormed across the nation and retook control of Afghanistan. 3,606 NATO soldiers were killed during operations from 2001-2021, and thousands more were grievously wounded: 68% of the casualties were from the U.S, 12% by the United Kingdom, 4.5% by Canada, and the remainder from other NATO nations. The cost was almost $1 trillion, the majority paid by U.S. taxpayers on borrowed money, and it achieved nothing.
Add to this the fact that NATO was unable to deter Russia from invading and seizing Crimea and large portions of eastern Ukraine in 2014. President Putin sensed NATO’s political, economic, and military weakness and rightly judged that NATO would not intervene and engage in direct conflict with Russia. Eight years later, in February 2022, NATO failed to deter Russia from extending its invasion into Ukraine and securing even larger areas of territory in the eastern oblasts of Ukraine and Crimea. Having failed to deter Russia, NATO, led by the Biden administration, without invoking Article 5 of the NATO charter, decided to go to war against Russia in support of President Zelensky’s uncompromising political objective—recover all territory lost to Russia. Without any viable military strategy—demanded by Congress and ignored for two years—or a political objective to achieve other than “to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine”, NATO limited its support to providing combat equipment, ammunition, and military supplies, but placing restrictions on all long-range missile systems that could strike deep into Russia for fear of provoking Russia into using nuclear weapons. NATO provided just enough to sustain the war, but not to win it. NATO nations knew full well their populations would never support the employment of NATO air and ground forces in direct combat against Russia. Instead, NATO decided to fight to the last Ukrainian soldier, with no skin in the game, hence the proxy war that it was.
Let’s review the bidding. Based on its performance as a military organization since its founding mission was achieved in 1989, it’s evident that NATO, under U.S. leadership, is anything but the most effective military alliance in history. Granted, it may serve a political purpose, but it has proved inept at the conduct of war and devoid of political and military strategies that brought lasting peace to any conflict it touched. Moreover, the idea that NATO could cobble together one or more army corps, blending forces from 32 nations, speaking as many different languages, all equipped and highly trained to prevail against Russia under the conditions of the Russia-Ukrainian battlefield the past three years, is laughable.
There is no reason the American taxpayer should continue to support a security alliance that no longer serves the purpose for which it was formed in April 1949 nor serves as a deterrent. It’s time for European nations to shoulder the burden of their own security and seek different means. No doubt the trans-Atlantic political elites and globalists will be apoplectic, let them. The people of the European nations deserve a security arrangement and military capability far better than NATO has provided. It’s time to turn out the lights.
Colonel (Ret) John D. Rosenberger served 29 years in the U.S. Army as a combined arms warrior and lifelong student of military history and strategy. Among his military assignments, he directed the SACEUR’s training program for NATO CJTF HQs and commanded the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, the vaunted OPFOR at the National Training Center. He has written and published extensively on issues related to battlefield leadership, the art of battle command, military readiness, and Joint combined arms training. He recently published op-eds highlighting critical shortfalls in military capabilities in the Pacific. The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of JANUS Research Group, Department of the Army, or the Department of Defense.
12:32 pm on March 13, 2025
Here are more recovered/restored Amazon Listmania! book lists created before they discontinued this service. I had 120 lists before they were purged. Hundreds of hours of labor were involved in preparing these lists for Amazon patrons and readers. Amazon data indicated that several hundreds of thousands of persons world-wide had accessed and viewed my lists. Emails to me confirm this. Unfortunately, Amazon has removed my comments on each volume. I’ve also included a few intriguing relevant lists others had posted. Save/earmark these lists for future reference. Enjoy!
Click upon the shown book on each list and also on the empty book spaces to be taken to the appropriate Amazon descriptive link.
Murray N. Rothbard — Liberty’s Greatest Scholar
Government Is The Enemy Of Civilization
How The U.S. Government Created Americas Drug Problem
The Great Depression and the New Deal
Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal
Critical Views of FDR’s New Deal
Theological Canon of the Welfare-Warfare State
Power Brokers, Fixers, and Elite Insiders
Getting to Know the Power Elite
The Italian Sociologists and Theory of the Elites.
The New Political History: Ethnoreligious and Ethnocultural
Court Historians – Servile Scribes of State Power
Philosophy of Liberty (Part 1)
America: Redeemer Nation or Hubristic Empire
Politically Incorrect Guides
The Essential Paleo Bookshelf
Old Right Classics and Revisionist History
Ron Paul: The Champion of the Constitution
Ron Paul’s Reading List for a Free and Prosperous America
Ron Paul’s Reading List – Part II
A Reading List for a Free and Prosperous America Part 1
My Favorite Libertarian and Paleo-Libertarian Books
Libertarian books for Christians
Books That Promote Liberty
Reference List: Libertarianism
Libertarianism: Anarcho-capitalism & Minarchism
Libertarian Theory – A Comprehensive Guide
Recommended Books on the Free Market
Our Libertarian American Revolution
Constitutional Controversies and Debates
Old Republican Opponents of Federal Tyranny
Getting to know Jefferson Davis
Politically Incorrect History of the Civil War
Classics in the Anglo-American Republican Tradition
The British Political Tradition
Lord Acton: Historian of Liberty
Belloc, Rothbard and the Protestant Reformation
Liberty Classics (Before the 20th Century)
“The Special Relationship”
O.S.S. and the “Special Relationship”
The OSS and the fathers of the CIA.
So You Want to Know about the Round Table?
Dissident Histories of US Foreign Policy
Isolationism: The Unknown Ideal
The Cold War: Soviet Communism’s Murderous Legacy
The creators and executors of Cold War foreign policy
The end of the Cold War and confronting its legacies
Before you join the CIA Read –
A Critical Account of Socialism – Theory and History
A Critical Account of the State – Theory and History
Utopia in Blood – Red Delusions and Nightmare Reality
The life and writings of George Orwell
Post-WWII Conservative History
Magic History
History of Elite Magic: Early Modern: Primary Sources
Gnosticism and Esoteric Christianity
Gnostic Texts and the Nag Hammadi Library
Gnostic Gospels and the Other Bible
Utopian Nightmares and Gnostic Political Religions
The apocalypse and the millennium.
Dem Bones Dem Bones Dem Dry Bones
Philosophy of law for law students
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test: the 60s by the books
historiography / philosophy of history
And The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against It
Liberty Catholicism and Capitalism
Books and Film of Special Interest for Catholics
Delivering Uppercuts to Egalitarianism
Iconoclasts, Curmudgeons & Social Heritics
The Elite Is Neat – The Masses Are Asses
Pundits, Observers and Assorted Gadflies
Myers-Briggs Types & Temperaments
Robert D. Kaplan-Journalist and Foreign Relations Expert
The Katyn Massacre the Gulag (Gulags) and Communist Genocide
Poland: Invaded by totalitarians and betrayed by the Allies
Best books about the WWII Eastern Front
Soviet Politics VII: Perestroika
The Spanish Civil War
The Russo-Finnish War of 1939-40 & the Continuation War
Nazism: Ideas Have Consequences
National Socialism – a different perspective
The A-to-Z of Nazi Germany
Esoteric Aryanism and Nazi Occultism
An Overview of the First World War
The USS Liberty – Controversy, Cover-Up or Conspiracy?
Hitler Is Winning: 21st Century Proxy Wars
Military Studies 1–Insurgency and Counterinsurgency
Robert F. Kennedy the President who should have been.
George Bush (and his business partners)
Bushwacked America: Exposing Lies Corruption and Treason
Trump: The Complete Collection
Dissecting Leftism
My Favorite Libertarian and Paleo-Libertarian Books
Libertarian books for Christians
Recommended Books on the Free Market
The American Revolution
Essentials in Political Philosophy
History/Politics – All the Best that’s Been Thought and Said
A Reading Assignment For Conservative Americans
Robert Anton Wilson favorites
a discordian reading primer (evolve your mind damn it!)
Douglas Adams and the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Great Works of Psychedelic Philosophy & Literature
American Noir: The Essential Library
Gore Vidal: Our American Cicero
Last Partisan of the Old Republic: The Essential Gore Vidal
Robert V. Remini-The eminent Jacksonian Historian
The Golden Age of Sci-Fi Movies (1950s)
Understand the Lincoln Assassination
Counter Reformation
Compromised Campus: Scientism and Statism
Southern Conservatism
the Americanist Library
If you take the Russian “invasion” of the Ukraine in a vacuum, then it becomes easy to come to the conclusion that Putin’s overall goal is to restore the Russian Empire via territorial ambitions.
However, a student of history doesn’t look at these events in a vacuum.
Jeffrey Sachs talks about the Wolfowitz Doctrine and US Unipolar New World Order policy and its ramifications to the EU Parliament last month. He validates everything I had guessed had happened from what I had pieced together on my own.
Be a student of history and listen to him.
1:22 pm on March 11, 2025
Here we go again. Congressman Massie refuses to support reckless government spending and increased debt. President Trump comes out to criticize Massie and says he should be primaried. Many will remember that we’ve been down this road before with the trillions in Covid spending (and subsequent inflation). Massie vehemently opposed the Covid spending, was criticized by President Trump, and was primaried. Massie was right and won the primary election. It’s not a good look for President Trump to do this again.
12:40 pm on March 11, 2025
There’s an article on Breitbart with a paywall that announces the DOGE has uncovered $1.1 trillion in “improper” Medicaid payments over the past ten years. As Bill Clinton would say, it all depends on what the meaning of improper is. A former colleague of mine at Loyola University Maryland once participated in a discussion of Medicaid fraud in Maryland. He told me that the poverty pimps in attendance — the left-wing political activists employed by the myriad “nonprofit” organizations that help administer Medicaid — publicly made the argument that Medicaid fraud is a good and needed thing because, in their opinion, the taxpayers are too stingy. The federal government administers very little of the welfare state. It has created and funded hundreds of these “nonprofits” to do the work for them, and they see their jobs as protecting and expanding Medicaid fraud, not policing it. So that $1.1 trillion that DOGE has discovered is probably an underestimate.
10:38 am on March 10, 2025
America’s Untold Stories – Free-form Friday brings Mark Groubert and Eric Hunley back with special guest Garrett Ziegler of Marco Polo, who exposes new bombshells from the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and lawsuit. As Hunter claims he’s flat broke and blames LA wildfires, Trump delivers a stark warning to Russia and Ukraine: “Get to the table right now — or face massive sanctions.”
Also in this episode: Trump pushes for a new nuclear deal with Iran, cancels $400M in Columbia University grants over antisemitism, and makes 13-year-old DJ Daniel’s dream come true at his address to Congress. Plus, Gavin Newsom splits from California liberals by condemning transgender athletes in women’s sports, and CNN hands pro-Trump pundit Scott Jennings a big raise.
Catch every twist, every clash, and every insider scoop only on America’s Untold Stories with Mark & Eric. Buckle up — Free-form Friday never disappoints!
4:50 pm on March 7, 2025
In today’s Liberty Report, Chris Rossini and Daniel McAdams chew on the latest news that you may have missed. Russia, tariffs, Panama Canal, Syria revolt. Tune in!
12:37 pm on March 7, 2025
Former Congressman Curt Weldon is leading an initiative to call for a new independent presidential commission to investigate the 9/11 attacks that would focus on the suspicious destruction of World Trade Center Towers 1, 2, and 7 on 9/11. In Congress, Weldon revealed that prior to 9/11, Operation Able Danger identified alleged lead hijacker Mohamed Atta 13 different times. Able Danger also identified “a problem” in Yemen two weeks before the USS Cole attack in 2000. The operation also identified two al-Qaeda cells involved in 9/11 and a Brooklyn cell linked to the Blind Sheikh. Conveniently for the United States government, 2.5 terabytes of information on Able Danger were destroyed in 2000.
Weldon’s current initiative includes architects, engineers, firefighters, lawyers, and activists who have compiled compelling evidence that the World Trade Center towers were destroyed by controlled demolitions. For example, seismic activity was recorded at World Trade Center Towers 1 and 2 just before the impact of the planes. Also, NASA thermal images confirmed long-lasting extreme temperatures of above 1400° Fahrenheit at Ground Zero months after the attacks.
There are more anomalies about 9/11 that go beyond the destruction of the World Trade Center. For example, the United States government refused for years to launch an independent investigation into 9/11 and finally agreed to the formation of the 9/11 Commission after the relentless advocacy of the victims’ families. Unfortunately, the 9/11 Commission was “set up to fail” and refused to objectively investigate 9/11 to protect the United States government and its allies such as Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, the intelligence community and the Bush administration deliberately obstructed the 9/11 Commission to conceal the truth about 9/11 from the public.
It is well-past time to acknowledge that we were lied to about 9/11 and to demand the truth. I hope that Weldon’s initiative to investigate the destruction of the World Trade Center will lead to a comprehensive examination of all aspects of 9/11.
10:15 am on March 7, 2025