The Lying Media Scum have reported that Commie-La got 20 million fewer votes than Brandon did. My guess is that there are two reasons for this. Many Democrats were disgusted that such a moron and a clown was their nominee and stayed home. The rest — probably half — are the fraudulent votes that got Brandon elected.
This time the Republicans employed 1600 lawyers at polling places. They reported that there were hundreds of examples of the Republican election judges showing up and being turned back by the local Demo-Bolshevik party machines that run the elections in many areas. Their response was to say, “We will be in court in 15 minutes” and that was enough to get them to back off. None of this happened in 2020. And since the Teamsters Union did not endorse Commie-La maybe there weren’t as many tractor trailers filled with fraudulent ballots showing up at polling places at three in the morning.
7:06 am on November 9, 2024