Can a Tsunami of Trump Votes Give Power Back to the American People?

The Democrats are set to steal the election.  They have everything in place except enough votes to hide their theft.

Watch the video of the Trump Grand Finale, listen to the speeches by Robert Kennedy and Tucker Carlson.  Marvel at the massive audience. It appears that Americans have cast off their insouciance and are going to take back their country from the two corrupt political parties, both of which have unleashed evil on America and the world. See this.

Economy, Society, and ... Hoppe, Hans-Hermann Buy New $11.95 (as of 09:27 UTC - Details) The American ruling elite, which is evil beyond comprehension, will not take kindly to their loss of power and exposure of their crimes.  The FBI, CIA, NSA, Secret Service, and Clinton murder machine only have to assassinate four people–Trump, Bobby Kennedy, Tucker Carlson, and Elon Musk–and the country is back in their hands.

Considering the extraordinary support that both Trump and Bobby Kennedy extend to Israel, it is unclear how an America that supports and enables the Genocide of Palestine can be made great again.

I do have to say that I am disturbed by Trump seeing Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea as enemies that he will be tough with.  This leaves Trump susceptible to neoconservative influence.  If Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are our enemies, it is because Washington made them enemies.  It is not Russia that pulled off a Maidan Revolution in Germany and then used a Russian installed puppet to cause problems for NATO and the EU.  It is Washington that used Ukraine to do that to Russia.  It is not China that offshored its manufacturing to the US and then blames the US. It was not Iran that initiated 24 years of war in the Middle East. It was the US and Israel.  It is Washington that has done everything possible to isolate and demonize North Korea for 70 years.

There is one threat in making American great again, and that threat is restoring American militarily dominance.  The neoconservatives will use this American desire not only to foment wars but also in the name of national security to restore the spying, the restraints on free expression, and the name-calling that have eroded our civil liberties.  “You are with us or against us” will be used to silence the voices of peace.  Will MAGA Americans understand that a country can be great without being a hegemon?

Permit me to explain that when Trump says there will never again be rallies like his MAGA ones, he is not being egotistical or claiming that no future candidate will be as popular with the people as he is.  Neither is he giving assurance that he will not hold Third Reich style rallies.  He is saying that once power is restored to the people,  in place of political rallies there will be meetings to work out how to best get America back on course.

10-Minute Strength Tra... Deboo PT, Ed Best Price: $9.02 Buy New $12.14 (as of 06:21 UTC - Details) With Trump in the Oval Office, Elon Musk as Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Robert Kennedy as head of the Food and Drug Administration, Tucker Carlson as White House Press Spokesman, General Flynn as Director of the CIA,  Edward Snowden as head of the National Security Agency, John W. Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute as Attorney General,  Michael Hudson as Secretary of the Treasury, and Tulsi Gabbard as Secretary of State, there is a chance that America can be rescued and restored. These appointments might be too imaginative for Trump, and if Trump were to make them would the corrupt US Senate confirm them?

I caution Trump that he cannot merely make Kennedy and Musk advisors. He must give them an executive power base by putting them in charge of the agencies.  Otherwise, they will be cut out of the action by those in charge.  If Kennedy and Musk are merely to give advice, they will soon quit out of frustration.

I caution Trump that he cannot give Scooter Libby a pardon and leave his January 6 supporters imprisoned. He cannot leave the attorneys legally harassed who collected evidence that the 2020 election was stolen by Democrats. There are a lot of people on his side who need rescuing.  If Trump’s ego or stupid advisors cause him to be magnanimous to his deadly enemies who tried to assassinate him both politically and physically, he will fail.

I think Trump has won the election. Nevertheless, the Democrats might try to steal it again, orchestrate an “insurrection,” invoke Pentagon Directive 5240.01, and prevent Trump from being inaugurated.

We must keep in mind that the inauguration of a president comes two and one-half months after his election. There is plenty of time for Democrat and ruling elite mischief. The high and mighty have committed so many crimes that they are vulnerable if Trump regains the presidency.  In many ways, for the ruling elite this election is an existential matter.