Writes Robert Katz:
Is uniformity attainable? Millions of innocent men, women and children since the
introduction of Christianity have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned, yet we
have not advanced one inch toward uniformity.
–Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia, 1782.
Lew, an argument claiming the State does a better job than the Free Market is invalid for the simple reason the State is invalid.
The Federal Government of the United States secures its entire revenue from two sources: robbery (theft under the threat of violence), which they call taxation, and counterfeiting, which they call Federal Reserve notes.
By what definition do you consider neither robbery nor counterfeiting criminal, let alone both combined?
Criminals (Government) doling out some of their stolen loot (Government Programs) makes them no less criminal. Encouraging criminals to commit more monumental crimes makes you a criminal accessory, not a humanitarian. Enlisting criminals to give you what you want because you do not know how to get what you want by yourself is as intelligent as eating a rotten apple because you can’t find a sweet one, and as moral as robbing a bank because you don’t know how to get money otherwise.