What Bernie Sanders told Lou Dobbs in 2007 about why he opposed the Kennedy-McCain immigration bill

Writes Gail Appel:

Remember when Bernie Sanders told Lou Dobbs that he opposed illegal immigration,most green cards and really, really stood against mass amnesty?

Bernie  took issue with people flooding our borders speaking foreign languages. The excuses for bringing more people in , killing jobs ordinary people were able to fill. “ Why do we need lifeguards who don’t speak English?”. Bernie was anti-NAFTA and outsourcing industries and jobs to other nations. Particularly Mexico and China. He wasn’t Terribly fond of importing people from the Middle East, either.

Was a hawk on trade. And Bernie sure liked Russia. When it was a Communist entity. Funny how things change.

Now Bernie is all about open borders, no ID of any sort, no need to speak English, Jihad,hating Putin, regime change, kleptocracy-corporate multinationalism, McCain/Ted Kennedy, globalism, violent street thugs,anybody can vote-as many times as they want, rigged elections, dark money,military industrial contract donors and WAR!

So much for “ A man shouldn’t have to work forty hours a week and not be able to put food on the table”.  I guess when you’re paid off for not making a fuss about being cheated out of winning 2 elections, getting millions for two books deals- the most recent, decrying capitalism, having three homes, three mega- sports cars and flying charter on private jets…. those “ millionaryahs and billionayahs “ don’t seem so  rooten anymore.

See here

